Issue - meetings

20mph Zones Phase 2 - Consideration of Objections and Officers Responses

Meeting: 05/12/2023 - Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee (Item 57)

57 20mph Zones Phase 2 - Consideration of Objections and Officers Responses pdf icon PDF 339 KB

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The Assistant Director of Highways and Infrastructure introduced the report of the Director of Neighbourhood Services which considered objections and comments of support submitted during the statutory traffic regulation order consultation period for Phase 2 of the 20mph speed limit programme which consisted of 15 proposed areas. In view of the number of objections received to Phase 2 following the implementation of Phase 1 the Committee may wish to consider alternatives to proceeding directly with Phase 2, so two possible options were recommended for consideration.


Members noted that 20mph zones had been debated at the previous nights Council Meeting. A further discussion was held around the various local campaigns on the topic and clarification was sought over road signs and enforcement. Members also raised concerns regarding the low consultation turnout and the outcome of surveys undertaken by Members in their wards. The focus on road safety was reiterated, noting that Wirral has traditionally underperformed in road safety initiatives.


Councillor Max Booth then moved the below amendment to option 2 of the recommendation, seconded by Councillor Vida Wilson.


The Director of Neighbourhood Services be instructed to review and re-evaluate the proposed roads within Phase 2 in light of the consultation response. Considering a more targeted approach, for example, restricted to locations near schools and where collision records are highest and to bring back a further report to the Environment Climate Emergency and Transport Committee detailing these proposals.


The amendment was put and lost (3:8)


Councillor Liz Grey then moved option 1 of the recommendations, seconded by Councillor Alan Brame.


It was therefore resolved (8:3) that -  the Director of Neighbourhood Services be instructed to introduce all of Phase 2 of the 20mph speed limit programme on those roads or parts of roads shown on the list attached within Appendix A to this report.