Issue - meetings

Wirral Drugs Strategy

Meeting: 13/06/2023 - Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee (Item 9)

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The Director of Public Health presented the report, which sought approval of the Wirral Drugs Strategy which set out a vision for uplifting communities and enabling all people in Wirral to live healthier lives free from the harmful impacts of drugs.


There was to be a focus on improving the health of people who use drugs, and preventing the early deaths that are seen too often. Prevention will be key, as will a vision for a positive narrative for recovery, combatting the stigma associated with drug use, and strengthening the voice of people with lived experience. The report enabled Committee to adopt the 4-year Wirral Drugs Strategy which placed collective responsibility for local system partners to align policy, strategy, and resources wherever possible to protect and improve the health of residents. Strategic planning helps local system partners work together to establish a clear vision, prioritise resources, determine a clear direction of travel, and to set goals and outcome targets. One option could be to not develop a local Strategy; however, the absence of a local strategic plan could exacerbate the burden of ill health, impacting negatively on health outcomes, inequalities, system pressures and the local economy.


Members queried Mental Health support and trauma therapy as well is the impact of organised crime on individuals. Also discussed was the support services in place for addiction to prescription drugs and other sources of addiction such as gambling. It was noted that officers were developing a response for gambling, counselling, harm prevention. There was a separate service for tobacco, smoking prevention services.


Also discussed was primary care, family engagement, support for young people as well as joined up services with the police and probation services. Members requested that a annual report be brought back to committee to update Members on progress and implementation.



Resolved – that the Wirral Drugs Strategy 2023-2027 as set out as Appendix 1 to this report be approved and that the Director of Public Health submit a report on an annual basis to enable the Committee to monitor progress.