Issue - meetings

Children and Young People's Emotional Health and Wellbeing Model

Meeting: 18/07/2023 - Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee (Item 24)


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The Director of Public Health presented the report which sought agreement  to include the current Public Health funding, allocated specifically for emotional health and wellbeing support for children and young people, within the new local model to be jointly commissioned from April 2024. The joint commission between Public Health, the Children and Young People’s Department and Wirral Place Integrated Care Board (ICB) will transform available support and will provide a more effective and co-ordinated approach to improve outcomes for children and young people.


Members sought clarification on what the model would include and were informed that a digital platform is the first point of contact, followed by various routes which included face to face or virtual offer. The model would be communicated via play and youth services. Members also discussed staffing implications and how the model will be monitored for outcomes. Members were informed that there are quarterly monitoring meetings, where data is reviewed. Also discussed was the ability of moderators to be reactive and ensure that safeguarding is in place online, as well as ensuring that this model will ensure satisfactory outcomes for end users.


Resolved – That,



1.  The Director of Public Health be authorised to allocate the budget for the current mental health commissions funded from the Public Health Grant into the joint commission led by Wirral Place ICB for the Emotional Health and Wellbeing Model, for a contract period of five years (1st April 2024 – 31st March 2029). With the option of two one-year extensions in accordance with the spend profile in paragraph 4.5 of this report.


2.  The Director of Public Health be authorised to agree in consultation with Director of Children’s services the Council’s preferred tenderer and notify the Wirral Place ICB of this decision