Issue - meetings

Q4 Performance Report

Meeting: 21/06/2023 - Children, Young People & Education Committee (Item 10)

10 Childrens' Services Performance Report Quarter Four pdf icon PDF 375 KB

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The Interim Head of Operations for Children’s Services introduced the report of the Director of Children, Young People and Education. The report provided the latest performance information for Children’s Services. The design and content of the report was developed following discussions with the Chair of the Children, Young People & Education Committee and party spokes at a Performance Monitoring workshop back in March 2021.


Members asked whether the information on free school meals could be broken down between primary and secondary schools. The Interim Head of Operations for Children’s Services stated she did not have the information to hand but would be happy to send Members the information in writing.


Members requested further information on care leavers aged 19-21 and the number that are not in education or employment. The Director of Children, Young People and Education noted that all care leavers are monitored and offered to provide Members further data regarding the work undertaken to support them. She noted that in her experience the care leavers that she had witnessed in employment had been a huge asset to their place of work and wished to encourage other committees to present employment opportunities to care leavers.


In response to a query on support offered to SEND children that were being electively home educated, the Assistant Director of Education noted that where a child has an EHCP, and is being electively home schooled, conversations were being held through SEND assessments regarding what support can be offered.


Members noted there had been a rise in suspensions and permanent exclusions from schools, with figures higher than the national average and queried why that was and what work was being undertaken. The Assistant Director of Education noted that for the first three quarters of the year, the figures were below the national average but there had been a spike in quarter 4 and he acknowledged that work needed to be done to work out why that had happened.


Members queried the Interim Head of Operations for Children’s Services confidence in the  accuracy of the data on the numbers of electively home schooled children. The Interim Head of Operations for Children’s Services noted that when a parent takes a child out of the school system, they have to notify the school so the service will be fully aware of all children being electively home schooled. She noted that data for social care was updated on a daily basis and that SEND and Education data was currently updated weekly if not daily.


Resolved – That the content of the report be noted.