Issue - meetings

2023/24 Budget and Budget Monitoring Processes

Meeting: 20/06/2023 - Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee (Item 7)

7 2023/24 Budget and Budget Monitoring Processes pdf icon PDF 278 KB

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The Director of Regeneration and Place introduced his report which set out how the 2023-2024 budget would be monitored through the Committee System, which will facilitate the Policy and Services Committees (the Committees) to take ownership of their specific budgets and present appropriate challenge and scrutiny of Officers on the management and performance of those budgets.

Members asked a question on the requirement for a Homelessness Review every five years as stated in 2.1 of Appendix B to the report and queried when that review was next due. The Director of Regeneration and Place noted that the last review had been undertaken for 2019-20 which meant that the current strategy was robust up until 2025 with the review to be started in 2024.

Resolved – That

  1. The process for in-year monitoring of the 2023/2024 budget be noted; and


  1. A Budget Monitoring Panel be established comprising  of the Committee Chair and Spokespersons, with sessions  led by the relevant Director/Assistant Director