Issue - meetings
Meeting: 22/06/2023 - Tourism, Communities, Culture & Leisure Committee (Item 8)
8 2023/24 Budget And Budget Monitoring Process PDF 475 KB
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The Director of Finance introduced the report, which set out how the 2023/24 budget would be monitored through the Committee system, which will facilitate the Policy and Services Committees (the Committees) to take ownership of their specific budgets and present appropriate challenge and scrutiny of Officers on the management and performance of those budgets.
Members queried the public health transfer of £7m from Public Health to the Tourism Communities Culture and Leisure Committee and were assured of a response from the director and raised the issue of any reports accurately reflecting the terms of reference of the Committee.
On a motion by the chair, seconded by Councillor Angie Davies it was -
Resolved – That
1. the process for in-year monitoring of the 2023/24 budget be noted.
2. Subject to all budget reports being brought to this committee reflecting the terms of reference as laid out on the constitution, the Committee agrees to establish and appoint a Budget Monitoring Panel to comprise of the Committee Chair and Spokespersons, with sessions to be led by the relevant Director/Assistant Director.