Issue - meetings
Tree, Hedgerow and Woodland Strategy Progress Update
Meeting: 20/09/2023 - Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee (Item 36)
36 Tree, Hedgerow and Woodland Strategy Progress Update PDF 2 MB
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The Assistant Director: Climate Change and Environment presented the report which had been produced further to the adoption by the Council of a Hedgerow and Woodland Strategy in July 2020.
The overarching aims of the strategy were to protect, regenerate and care for Wirral’s existing trees, hedgerows and woodlands, to plant more trees and hedgerows, to create a framework for decision making and establish a prioritised action plan to 2020 to 2030. The strategy supported the Wirral Plan 2021-2026 and its priorities for a sustainable environment.
This report provided the second update on the Council’s progress in the delivery of the strategy, covering the 2022/2023 planting season. Progress of the actions was summarised within this report.
The report looked ahead to priority actions for the next 12 months, which included a revision to the strategy.
Members noted their thanks to the team, but queried the watering programme and lack of capacity to ensure bigger trees will continue to thrive. Officers informed members of a community tree watering campaign in the borough. Also discussed were social media campaigns, adding tree planting to the volunteering gateway, allowing citizens to fund their own trees and planting trees along streets. Officers informed Members that there was also a memorial tree option.
The Chair noted her thanks that a commitment to natural regeneration was included in the strategy and improved communication work with residents.
Resolved – that:
1. the progress of the Tree, Hedgerow and Woodland Strategy 2020 to 2030 be noted; and
2. the priority actions for 2023/2024 be endorsed.