Issue - meetings

Pooled Fund - to Follow

Meeting: 18/07/2023 - Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee (Item 23)


Additional documents:


The Assistant Director for Health and Commissioning presented the report of the Director for Care and Health. The report requested Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee to retrospectively approve the Section 75 pooled fund arrangement for 2022/23 between the Integrated Care Board (ICB) and the Council and give delegated authority to the Director of Law and Governance in consultation with the Director of Care and Health to sign off the agreement. The report described the arrangements, content, and value of the 2022/2023 Section 75 and sets out the additional funding that the ICB contributed to the pool. The report set out how the content of the Section 75 supported the outcomes of the Healthy Wirral Plan and achieved the Governments priorities for 2022/23.


Members queried how the disabled facilities grant was functioning, and whether the right resources were in place within the Housing team. It was noted that it was running well, with improved pathways, fast tracking and regular reporting. Also discussed was the annex to the report with Members being informed that this was an exemplar of what may be considered in future years.


Members also requested a workshop be held to assist Members to consider the context and detail of the Better Care Fund and further detail be presented regarding movement in funding streams.


On a motion by the Vice-Chair, seconded by Councillor Mary Jordan it was,


Resolved – that,


1. the continuation and value of the pooled fund arrangement between the  Council and the ICB for 2022/23 as set out in the report be approved.


2. the shared risk arrangements are limited to the Better Care Fund (BCF)  arrangements only, which is currently reporting a break-even position be noted.


3. the increase in the Section 75 pooled fund in November 2022 as a result of the Adult Social Care Discharge Fund be noted


4. The Director of Law and Governance be authorised in consultation with the Director of Care and Health to enter a S75 Agreement with the Wirral ICB for 2022/23


5. Committee would welcome an explanation of the movements in the Better Care funding streams at a forthcoming workshop.