Issue - meetings
Pupil Place Planning Phase 2
Meeting: 25/09/2023 - Children, Young People & Education Committee (Item 39)
39 Pupil Place Planning Phase 2 PDF 752 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc 1 - Wirral Pupil Place Planning Strategy 2021 -2026, item 39 PDF 3 MB
- Webcast for Pupil Place Planning Phase 2
The Assistant Director of Children, Families and Education introduced the report. The report outlined the recommendations arising out of phase 2 of the pupil place planning review. In March 2021, the Committee endorsed the Pupil Place Planning Strategy 2021 -2026. This Strategy set out a planned framework for the review of school places in both primary and secondary mainstream schools over the next 5 years. Phase 2 of the primary phase of the review commenced in October 2022 looking at small planning areas in and around South Wirral, specifically: Bebington, Bromborough, Eastham, Spital and Thornton Hough. A detailed review framework and process had been undertaken and has included information gathering, stakeholder discussion. This had culminated in the recommendations presented within the report. Recommendations relating to schools controlled under the auspices of both the Diocese of Chester – Church of England, and the Diocese of Shrewsbury – Roman Catholic, have been presented, discussed, and approved as well as proposals relating to Academy Trusts. This has demonstrated the strength in partnership working and collaboration across the education sector which would be harnessed as the parties progress as a local education partnership. Fundamental to the work has been adherence to the principles outlined.
Members expressed positive feedback as the scheme avoids the use of greenfield sites, using brownfield sites instead, and avoided the merging of schools which was closely aligned with the Wirral Plan. When questioned about the status of academies, it was explained that the statutory responsibility remained the same regardless of the type of school.
On a motion by the Chair, seconded by Councillor Judith Grier, it was,
Resolved – That the recommendations made regarding the proposals for each small planning areas of Spital, Thornton Hough, Bebington and Bromborough & Eastham be noted and supported.