Issue - meetings
Future Options For The Sail Loft Coastal Kitchen, West Kirby.
Meeting: 21/09/2023 - Tourism, Communities, Culture & Leisure Committee (Item 34)
34 Future Options For The Sail Loft Coastal Kitchen, West Kirby. PDF 401 KB
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The Assistant Director for Libraries, Leisure and Customer Engagement presented a report of the Director of Neighbourhood Services. The report provided members of the Tourism, Communities, Culture & Leisure Committee (TCCL) with options and recommendations on the future operating model for the Sail Loft Coastal Kitchen, a Council owned venue, which was operated in house as a café / bistro that has its premises above the offices of the Wirral Watersports Centre in South Parade, West Kirby.
The facility was built between 2019 and 2021 and opened in July 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The venue had failed to operate at a surplus and had struggled in the current macro-economic environment, like many other establishments in the catering and hospitality sector. It was incurring losses for the Council. This report was intended to present a comprehensive evaluation of the performance and opportunities for the venue and to justify a closure decision.
Members queried if trade unions had been consulted regarding the closure and staffing implication and were assured that this would be undertaken once approval had been given by committee. A discussion was had on community wealth building, prioritising local businesses as potential leaseholders and the time scales for this.
On a motion by the Chair, Seconded by Councillor Johnson it was,
Resolved – that,
1. the closure of the Sail Loft Coastal Kitchen, on 31st October 2023 be supported.
2. officers to identify and secure a commercial lease, to assume operation of the venue from Spring / Summer 2024, prioritising options for local organisations before expanding to a wider market and to assume operations as soon as practically possible.