Issue - meetings
Members Parental Leave Policy
Meeting: 09/10/2023 - Council (Item 46)
46 Members Parental Leave Policy PDF 184 KB
Council is requested to agree to the following recommendations of the Constitution and Standards Committee held on 28 September 2023.
To approve the recommendations of the Constitution and Standards Committee in respect to the Member Parental Leave Policy.
Minute extract and report are attached.
Additional documents:
- Members Parental Leave Policy, item 46
PDF 306 KB
- Enc. 1 for Members Parental Leave Policy, item 46
PDF 133 KB
- Webcast for Members Parental Leave Policy
The fourth matter requiring approval was the Members Parental Leave Policy as recommended by the Constitution and Standards Committee on 28 September 2023.
On a motion by Councillor Tony Cox, seconded by Councillor Phil Gilchrist, it was –
Resolved – That the draft Member Parental Leave Policy be approved, subject to the deletion of the paragraph titled ‘Paternity’ and the deletion of all references to ‘maternity’ and ‘paternity’ and their replacement with the word ‘parental’.
Meeting: 28/09/2023 - Constitution and Standards Committee (Item 12)
12 Members Parental Leave Policy PDF 306 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Members Parental Leave Policy, item 12
PDF 133 KB
- Webcast for Members Parental Leave Policy
The Principal Committee Services Officer introduced the report of the Director of Law and Governance which provided the context for and a draft of a Member Parental Leave Policy, following a motion to Council on 20 March 2023 which sought to ensure Members were able to take parental leave at the time of birth or adoption and that reasonable and appropriate arrangements were in place to provide cover during any period of leave taken.
It was moved by Councillor Tom Laing, seconded by Councillor Tony Murphy, that Council be recommended to approve the draft Member Parental Leave Policy, subject to the deletion of the paragraph titled ‘Paternity’ and the deletion of all references to ‘maternity’ and ‘paternity’ and their replacement with the word ‘parental’.
An amendment to the motion was then moved by the Chair, Councillor Tony Cox, seconded by Councillor Gary Bennett, that the Director of Law and Governance be given delegated authority to make the necessary amendments to the Parental Leave Policy with the effect of the Special Responsibility Allowance reverting back to a basic allowance to the elected members for the duration of their parental leave, and instead paying whoever is appointed to cover the period of absence the Special Responsibility Allowance.
The Chair spoke to his amendment and outlined his concerns at the prospect of a member appointed to undertake a special responsibility receiving the allowance whilst not undertaking that duty, as well as the financial implications of two members receiving an allowance for the same responsibility for the period of the parental leave. Following a debate on the motion, it was put to the vote and lost (2:5).
The motion as moved by Councillor Tom Laing was then put to the vote and carried (unanimously). It was therefore –
Resolved – That Council be recommended to approve the draft Member Parental Leave Policy, subject to the deletion of the paragraph titled ‘Paternity’ and the deletion of all references to ‘maternity’ and ‘paternity’ and their replacement with the word ‘parental’.