Issue - meetings
National Substance Misuse Grant Funding Update
Meeting: 05/03/2024 - Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee (Item 92)
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Resolved - That the Exempt Appendix be noted.
Meeting: 05/03/2024 - Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee (Item 79)
79 National Substance Misuse Grant Funding Update PDF 356 KB
Additional documents:
The Senior Public Health Registrar and the Senior Public Health Manager presented the report of the Director of Public Health which provided an update on the progress made in the delivery of the grant allocations received from national government as part of the government’s national drugs strategy (2021). It also set out the continued funding due to be received in 2024/25. It was reported that Public Health had produced a Wirral Drugs Strategy to guide the delivery of the grant funding and had successfully established a nationally mandated local Combatting Drugs Partnership with a number of supporting thematic delivery groups.
The Chair explained that there was an exempt appendix and asked whether any members wished to refer the exempt appendix in the discussion of the report. There were no members who needed to refer to the confidential appendix and it was agreed to continue. It was reported that the Combatting Drugs partnership met regularly to review progress and provide governance of the Supplementary Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery (“SSMTR”) programme which was formerly known as ADDER. Funding had been confirmed for this year as a little under £4.4million with an additional £111, 364 for inpatient detoxification. Some of the additional programmes include addressing near fatal overdoses, supporting vulnerable groups, expanding specialist roles and children and young people provision, enhancing residential rehabilitation capacity, supporting recovery and enhancing lived experience initiatives. It was highlighted that the emphasis was on investing in system wide action rather than just the treatment service itself. There was encouraging evidence that key indicators were improving locally since the grant funding had begun to be spent.
Members highlighted the return on investment and the indirect social benefit it can have and also the need for the recruitment and retention of staff with specialist skills. Members queried whether there was a delay in the funding for the alcohol free bar and an answer will be provided. The report was well received by Members.
Resolved - That
1. The scheduled 2024/25 SSMTR grant of £4,376,408 from OHID be accepted and the provisional Delivery Plan outlined for this funding be agreed (Appendix 1).
2. The provisional utilisation of the 2024/25 Inpatient Detoxification grant of £111,364 be accepted and approved.
3. The progress made to date in delivering the SSMTR and Inpatient Detoxification grant funding programmes be noted.
4. The successful establishment of the Wirral Combatting Drugs Partnership and the publication of the Wirral Drugs Strategy be noted.
5. The Director of Law and Corporate Services be authorised to finalise the legal documentation arising from the acceptance of the grant funding referred to in recommendations 1 and 2.