Issue - meetings


Meeting: 21/11/2023 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 72)


Additional documents:


The Director of Regeneration and Place introduced the report which provided an update on progression to establish a successor to the Town Deal Board, which reflected the wider role of the Simplification Pathfinder Pilot and built upon the positive role of the Town Deal Board to date.


This was further to and a requirement of the submission of the Councils Investment Plan ancillary the DLUHC Simplification Pathfinder Pilot. The successor body was to be known as the Birkenhead Wallasey and New Ferry Simplification Pathfinder Pilot Board.


Members were informed that Councillor Pat Cleary wished to move an amendment.


Councillor Cleary spoke to his amendment and discussed the value of the previously established Town Deal Board, noting that it was an effective forum for scrutinising and improving proposals and that the expansion due to the pathfinder pilot was a positive step. Councillor Cleary commented that there was a good template in the Town Deal Board but felt it should be extended to include new areas now included within the levelling up funds.


A discussion was had on the guidance surrounding the Town Deal Board, and the merits of a private chair, conflicts of interest for board Members and additional funding awarded for Liscard Town Centre. Also discussed was the need for all parties on the Council to be represented on the Pathfinder Pilot Board, given that the Council would be an accountable body.


To consider the motion, the meeting adjourned at 6:52pm


The meeting reconvened at 7:00pm


A motion was then formally put by Councillor Pat Cleary, seconded by Councillor Jo Bird


‘Committee recognises the positive work of the Towns Deal Board to date. Taking account of the clear guidance from DHLUC in establishing a successor Pathfinder Board this committee agrees;

·  The successor body would be known as the Wirral Pathfinder Pilot Board

·  To retain the existing membership of the Towns Deal Board within the Wirral Pathfinder Pilot Board;

·  To expand the membership of the new Board to include new geographic areas;

·  To delegate to the Director for Regeneration and Place in consultation with the Chair and spokespersons of P&R the additional membership of the Wirral Pathfinder Pilot Board and the selection of Chair from the private sector membership of the new Board as per guidance from DHLUC’

The motion was then put and lost (4:11).


On a motion by Councillor Jeff Green, Seconded by Councillor Leslie Rennie it was,


Resolved – that the indicative Birkenhead Wallasey and New Ferry Simplification Pathfinder Pilot Board membership and terms of reference as set out in Appendix 1 to this report be approved with the following additions,


(a)  membership of the board be adjusted to include ex-officio Members from the Conservative and Liberal Democratic groups. Membership of the board should also be extended to Liscard Ward Members should that become appropriate.


(b)   the Director of Law and Governance to review the terms of reference in relation to the declaration of interest in consultation with the chair and group spokespersons.