Issue - meetings

Workforce Equality Report 2023

Meeting: 05/12/2023 - Senior Officer and Appointments Staffing Sub-Committee (Item 12)

12 Workforce Equality Report 2023 pdf icon PDF 278 KB

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The Assistant Director for Human Resources and Organisational Development introduced the report of the Director of Resources which provided the Senior Officer Appointments and Staffing Sub-Committee with the Annual Workforce Equality Report for 2022/23 which was statutorily required to be reported under the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) 2011. In addition, an update on the actions outlined within the action plan in relation to progress made over the previous year was reported.


Members of the Sub-Committee discussed the work being undertaken to address challenges relating to an ageing workforce. The Assistant Director affirmed that the Council had published a talent strategy which outlined several pipelines to attract talent into Local government including graduate and apprenticeship programmes.


Additionally, Members noted work undertaken to provide employment opportunities to Care Leavers. The Head of Organisational Development & Talent outlined that this was an important pipeline for the Council, and most recently 6 apprentices who were care leavers had been supported into different parts of the organisation, who had been provided with both technical and pastoral development.





Resolved – That


1.  The publication of the Annual Workforce Equality Report be approved in order to meet the legal requirements under the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) 2011; and


2.  The position in relation to workforce equality performance and the progress made by the Council in relation to producing, analysing and publishing workforce data be noted.