Issue - meetings

Early Years Funding Expansion

Meeting: 01/02/2024 - Children, Young People & Education Committee (Item 11)

11 Early Years Funding Expansion pdf icon PDF 380 KB

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The Interim Operations Manager: Early Years presented a report on behalf of the Director of Children, Families and Education which noted that the changes to Early Years Funding Entitlements posed a significant change for families across Wirral as well as the landscape for early years childcare and education. Two-year funding take up had increased from 87% in summer term 2023 to 96% in Autumn 2023, back to pre-covid levels. The 9% points increase was down to a number of factors, the Family Hubs and Children’s Centre continued to assertively target eligible families and promoted the entitlement whenever possible both to families and professionals. The eligible population had decreased across all wards in Wirral, coupled with Department for Education (DfE) supplying phone numbers for families had made it easier to promote the offer. The media coverage of the new working family’s entitlements had possibly helped parents feel more comfortable with sending their young children into early years provision. Three-year funding remained unchanged from summer term at 95% take up.


Members thanked officers for the report. They discussed the difficulties that local authorities faced in recruiting in the early years sector and the need for such recruitment as free childcare was to be provided across the country to children as young as nine months. Officers noted that recruitment was a challenge nationally and that Wirral was involved in a number of initiatives with the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority and the Department for Education to increase the number of staff.


Members expressed their approval for schools caring for 2 year olds and felt that it would help develop social bonds and that providing care for children 9 months up would be of great social and economic benefit to the borough.


Resolved – That the report be noted.