Issue - meetings
Update to Housing & Regeneration Assistance Policy 2024 and the Fit and Proper Person Policy
Meeting: 27/03/2024 - Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee (Item 73)
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1: Changes to the Assistance Policy, item 73
PDF 297 KB
- Appendix 2: Fit and Proper Person Policy, item 73
PDF 133 KB
- Appendix 2: Fit and Proper Person Policy Updated, item 73
PDF 328 KB
- Webcast for Update to Housing & Regeneration Assistance Policy 2024 and the Fit and Proper Person Policy
The Assistant Director of Housing presented the report of the Director of Regeneration and Place. The report sought approval for the proposed revisions to both the Council’s Housing and Regeneration Assistance Policy (referred to as the Assistance Policy) and Policy on the test for meeting a fit and proper person and satisfactory management arrangements for the granting of a House in Multiple Occupation Licence and/or Selective Licence (referred to as the Fit and Proper Person Policy).
The report noted that the Council has had a Housing and Regeneration Assistance Policy providing a range of assistance, including grants and loans for over 20 years. As with any policy, it was considered best practice to review, monitor and update the policy considering changes in local circumstances, need, service demands and government policy and as such it was proposed the policy be updated to reflect the necessary changes identified within the report and ensure it was fit for purpose.
The report also noted that it was good practice to regularly monitor, review and amend (if necessary) both the Fit and Proper Person Policy to take into account changes in local circumstances, service delivery, increased needs and / or Government policy. The report set out the changes required to respond to those identified needs.
Members thanked the Assistant Director for the report. They queried the Fit and Proper Person Policy and what the criteria would be for revocation of a licence. Officers clarified that revocation would happen after an overall assessment of factors leading to it.
Members raised the Air Source Heat Pumps / Low Carbon Heating Systems Pilot and in particular the intention to provide 12 properties over the next 2 years with air source heat pumps. They asked how those properties were determined. Officers responded that it was not something that would be forced on anyone and would be done in consultation with potential owners and tenants of eligible properties. It was noted that any findings from this pilot scheme would be reported back to the Committee.
Resolved – That
1. The proposed revisions to the Council’s Housing and Regeneration Assistance Policy as set out in Appendix 1 to the report be approved; and
2. The Policy on tests for ‘fit and proper person’ and satisfactory management arrangements for a House in Multiple Occupation Licence and/or Selective Licence as set out in Appendix 2 to the report be approved.