Issue - meetings

C&M LD & Autism Housing Strategy

Meeting: 23/07/2024 - Children, Young People & Education Committee (Item 7.)

7. C&M LD & Autism Housing Strategy pdf icon PDF 394 KB

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Meeting: 05/03/2024 - Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee (Item 80)

80 C&M LD & Autism Housing Strategy pdf icon PDF 394 KB

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The Interim Assistant Director, Strategic Commissioning and Integrated Services presented this report which provided a summary of the Cheshire and Merseyside commissioning work programme for “Independent and Fulfilling Lives” and the development of a Learning Disability and Autism Housing Strategy. The strategy had been jointly produced with the Housing Learning and Improvement Network and established a framework for all commissioners when assessing local housing need for this cohort of people and supported new developments, alongside general housing to meet those needs. The strategy is provided in an easy read version. It was asked that the report be shared at a future date with the Economy, Regeneration and Housing Committee. This strategy was a co-ordinated regional policy that signalled to both the housing and the provider market about what the future demand will be. The spectrum of accommodation that was modelled meant that people would have assured tenancies in the future. The report referred to a GAP analysis that modelled future demand of up to 259 units and the strategy will be in place from 2023-2027 to support that work programme.


Members requested that the report also be taken to Children, Young People and Education Committee.


Members asked about the available funding and it was clarified that Wirral resources would be used for Wirral residents but where more specialist facilities were needed across the region these could be developed with other Local Authorities.


It was reported that it seemed appropriate for Local Authorities to work together to develop general needs housing and supported housing options but where needs were more complex it made more sense to work with the NHS across a bigger footprint to plan. There were currently no resources allocated it.


Resolved - That

1. The Cheshire and Merseyside Learning Disability and Autism Housing Strategy as set out in Appendix 2 to this report be approved.


2. The report be considered for information at the Economy, Regeneration and Housing Committee and the Children, Young People and Education Committee at a future date to be agreed.