Issue - meetings

Wirral Smoke Control Area Consolidation and Expansion

Meeting: 07/03/2024 - Tourism, Communities, Culture & Leisure Committee (Item 74)

74 Wirral Smoke Control Area Consolidation and Expansion pdf icon PDF 239 KB

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The Senior Manager, Environmental Health, and the Environmental Health Officer presented the report of the Director of Neighbourhood Services which requested approval to revoke all existing Smoke Control Orders (SCOs) and replace them with one consolidated order that covers the whole of the Local Authority area, including the two areas which had not been covered by any SCOs. It was noted that it would aid in consistent enforcement.


Members queried the practicalities and promotion of the new Order.


Resolved: That

1.   the revocation of the existing Smoke Control Orders which affect the Council’s administrative area be approved, subject to such revocations   (listed in schedule 1 of the draft order) being subject to formal consultation and confirmation by the Secretary of State; and

2.   the making of a single Smoke Control Order for the whole of the Council’s administrative area in accordance with the draft order set out in Appendix 1 to this report be approved, and also that such order be subject to formal consultation and confirmation by the Secretary of State;

3.   that any objections to the orders referred to in recommendations 1 and 2 be referred to a future meeting of this Committee.