Issue - meetings
City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement Combined Authority Transport Plan Programme 2024-25
Meeting: 12/03/2024 - Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee (Item 79)
Additional documents:
- Appendix A - 2024/25 Combined Authority Transport Plan Capital Programme, item 79 PDF 224 KB
- Appendix B - 2025-27 Indicative Forward Programme, item 79 PDF 214 KB
- Appendix C - Local Safety Schemes Annual Review, item 79 PDF 431 KB
- Webcast for City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement Combined Authority Transport Plan Programme 2024-25
The Assistant Director for Highways & Infrastructure introduced the report of
the Director of Neighbourhood Services which requested Committee approval for City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) Combined Authority Transport Plan (CATP) work programme for 2024/25, alongside the
the indicative recommended CATP programme for the remaining years 2025-2027 of the CRSTS first term. It was reported that the programme covered works on the highway network to improve road safety and promote road safety, which included speed limits, school streets and junction improvements and pedestrian crossings.
Members discussed specific works identified in Appendix A of the report for the forthcoming year, including works to improve pavement conditions and road safety schemes around schools. The Senior Network Manager confirmed a list of improvements relating to road safety schemes surrounding schools could be shared with Members. In relation to queries relating to progress of projects included within the programme of works, the Assistant Director for Highways and Infrastructure confirmed engagement with ward members on proposals would be undertaken.
Resolved – That
1. the proposed City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (“CRSTS”) Combined Authority Transport programme for 2024/25 and the spending of the associated grant funding once accepted by the Council’s Section 151 Officer, as set out in Appendix A to the report, be approved;
2. the indicative CRSTS Combined Authority Transport Plan programme for 2025/27 as set out in Appendix B to the report be approved; and
3. the Director of Neighbourhood Services be authorised to amend the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority for the 2024/25 CRSTS Combined Authority Transport Plan programme having regard for available resources and risk-based prioritisation of schemes, in consultation with the Chair and party Spokespersons of the Committee
4. the Director of Law and Corporate Services be authorised to execute any grant funding agreements associated with these recommendations.