Issue - meetings

External Annual Audit Report 2022/23

Meeting: 26/03/2024 - Audit and Risk Management Committee (Item 52)

52 External Annual Audit Report 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 308 KB

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Representatives from Grant Thornton introduced the report of the Director of Finance which presented the Council’s external auditors (Grant Thornton) Annual Audit Report which identified key issues/findings relating to the audit of the 2022-23 statutory accounts. The Annual Audit Report contained a set of recommendations for the Council to implement, alongside Management’s response to these recommendations included within in the report.


Members discussed in further detail issues and recommendations highlighted within the report including:

·  Uncertainties relating to the Dedicated Schools Grant deficit balance.

·  Levels of debt and in-year borrowing.

·  Contract procedure rules.

·  Levels of Council reserves.

·  Risk associated with partnership working with enterprises such as Wirral Growth Company and Edsential.


Members also sought assurance that the committee received oversight on actions taken in response to recommendations within the annaul report on a six-monthly basis.


Resolved – That the Annual Audit Report be approved for onward approval to the Policy and Resources Committee, Full Council and publication on the Council website.