Issue - meetings

Regeneration and Place Risk Management

Meeting: 26/03/2024 - Audit and Risk Management Committee (Item 51)

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The Director of Regeneration and Place presented the report which provided a review of the Regeneration and Place Directorate risks as requested by the Audit and Risk Management Committee in January 2024. The report included a review of the directorate risk register, information on how risks were managed, processes for managing new risks as they arise, and expected outcomes from current programmes through delivery. In relation to delivery, The Director of Regeneration and Place reported that work had been undertaken to assess the feasibility of all current projects and pipeline projects, to ensure that the Council had the appropriate skills and capacity to deliver prioritised projects and that project management and performance arrangements were strengthened. It was noted that the Council’s successful application as a ‘Pathfinder’ as part of the Government’s simplification process had secured mitigation to schemes without impacting on the scale and ambition of delivery.


Members discussed risk scores identified within the directorate risk register. In relation to regeneration delivery, Members noted the importance of retention and recruitment of sufficient skills to manage risks. The Director of Regeneration of Place affirmed that the Directorate had made progress in address gaps capability and delivery skills over the previous 12 months and work was being undertaken to improve this further. In addition, Members highlighted the importance of sufficient openness and transparency of governance arrangements where changes are made to delivery programmes, alongside the Audit and Risk Management Committee’s role in receiving assurance that risks were being managed. Members also discussed risks scores associated with housing and homelessness services and sought assurance on reporting of these issues to the Economy, Regeneration and Housing Committee.


The Chair noted the Committee’s concerns relating to resourcing within the directorate, risks of clawback within individual schemes, work of funding partners and future risk management training with policy and service committees. With those caveats, it was:


Resolved – That the comprehensive arrangements in place within the Regeneration and Place Directorate for managing all Directorate risks be noted.