Issue - meetings
Pupils Excluded from Education Key Stage 4
Meeting: 23/07/2024 - Children Young People and Education Committee (Item 31)
31 Pupils Excluded from Education Key Stage 4 PDF 342 KB
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The School Improvement Senior Manager Alternative Provision and Inclusion presented a report on behalf of the Director of Children, Families and Education. The report provided Members with an overview of Wirral Local Authority’s requirement to arrange full-time education from and including the sixth day of a permanent exclusion for Key Stage 4 (KS4) pupils. The successful bidder(s) would be awarded a contract for a period of 5 years from 1 September 2024 to 31 July 2029. A report was put forward on Monday 25th September 2023. The tender process for KS4 was unsuccessful. However, this academic year the Council had completed 2 successful pilots. This was based on a new model around geographical areas, which the council believed would open the tender up to more bids, as the pilots could no longer continue.
The report gave the opportunity to Members to monitor, review and challenge performance in relation to Wirral’s statutory responsibility to arrange full-time education from and including the sixth day of a permanent exclusion and the use of alternative provision.
Members asked how confident officers were that they would receive KS4 tenders. The School Improvement Senior Manager Alternative Provision and Inclusion explained that provision had improved with 3 locations across the borough now available to young people where previously, there was only one.
Members asked if local council schools had been considered to provide KS4 care to help cover the amount of provision needed. The School Improvement Senior Manager Alternative Provision and Inclusion noted that this had been looked into, but that it was felt that secondary schools would not be able to meet the need within the local authority.
Members asked what level of monitoring would take place and what actions would be taken if issues were identified within the first six months of a contract or if complaints were received. The School Improvement Senior Manager Alternative Provision and Inclusion noted that he held weekly monitoring meetings online as well as visiting sites at least once a week unannounced. He worked closely with the Head Teachers of the schools covered to support them. Six weekly data drops were also provided to evidence quality assurance and pupil voices. Regarding any issues raised or complaints made, the service worked closely with the Department for Education and OFSTED to follow complaints procedures and ensure a timely reaction.
The Chair queried what would happen if a provider had not signed up to the Wirral Guild of Alternative Provision. He was informed by the School Improvement Senior Manager Alternative Provision and Inclusion that if a provider did not sign up, then they would not be used by the schools. The schools had the duty of care as they were commissioning the services.
Members queried if Wirral MET College was used as an alternative provision and was informed by the Assistant Director Education that they were not but that conversations could be had with the college for future provision.
Resolved – That the development of Wirral Local Authority’s provision to meet the ... view the full minutes text for item 31