Issue - meetings

Wirral Health Inequalities Plan

Meeting: 23/07/2009 - Cabinet (Item 62)

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The Joint Director of Public Health presented the final draft of the Health Inequalities Plan, which had been amended following discussion and consultation with stakeholders. She reported that it was currently being submitted to committees within Wirral Local Strategic Partnership and NHS Wirral in addition to the Cabinet and any amendments as a result would be incorporated into the final version. She gave a detailed presentation in relation to the Plan, which highlighted the challenge for Wirral with regard to actions that were needed to achieve targets and close the gap in life expectancy between Wirral and the national average and also within Wirral between the most deprived 20% Lower Super Output Areas and the Wirral average.


Wirral was currently below trajectory for achieving the national health inequalities target for life expectancy and the Local Area Agreement target for all age all cause mortality. The Health Inequalities Plan outlined three timescales for action and achieving improved outcomes in 2011, 2013 and 2025, which were linked to national targets and local strategies. It also identified five strategic priorities that needed to be set in place if the targets were to be met. She commented that the Health Inequalities National Support Team (HINST) had reviewed the plan and the NHS Wirral investment areas and had congratulated partners in Wirral for their progress and overall approach to tackling health inequalities. It suggested that the concerted effort outlined would help to close the remaining gap by 2010 and that this should include a focus on Health Action Areas, an ambitious alcohol treatment programme, cardio-vascular disease (CVD) screening programme and a programme to combat excess winter deaths.


Resolved –


(1)  That the presentation be noted.


(2)  That the Health Inequalities Plan be approved and further progress reports be presented to future meetings of the Cabinet.