Issue - meetings

Progress Report on Action Plan in relation to Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (PIDA)

Meeting: 10/11/2009 - Health and Well Being Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 38)

38 Progress Report on Action Plan in relation to Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (PIDA) pdf icon PDF 105 KB

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The Director of Adult Social Services submitted a report which had been considered by the Audit and Risk Management Committee at its meeting on 3 November, 2009 (minute 44 refers). The report updated the Committee on the actions undertaken by his Department in response to the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (PIDA). The report set out key actions which had been completed by January 2009, at which point this report was delayed whilst the investigation into audit and disciplinary matters was undertaken.


The report went on to list those actions which had been completed since January 2009 and also detailed any matters which remained outstanding.


The Chair read out the resolution of the Audit and Risk Management Committee in respect of this item which was to note the report and it was then:


Resolved – That the report be noted.

Meeting: 03/11/2009 - Audit and Risk Management Committee (Item 44)

44 Progress Report on Action Plan in relation to Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (PIDA) pdf icon PDF 105 KB

Additional documents:


The Director of Adult Social Services provided an update on the actions undertaken by the Department of Adult Social Services (DASS) in response to the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (PIDA) report produced by the Audit Commission. He set out the five broad actions required by the PIDA report and commented that progress had been made through a series of sub actions, most of which had been completed as outlined in an action plan appended to his report. In addition to the Audit Commission Report, an Internal Audit Report dated 13 March 2008 identified seven broad actions in relation to the PIDA, all of which had been completed by 28 November 2008. He reported also that a further three recommendations by Internal Audit were endorsed by the Committee on 4 November 2008 (minute 37 refers) and he set out the departmental response to each.


The Director indicated that his report referred to actions that had been completed by January 2009, at which point his report was delayed whilst the investigation into audit and disciplinary matters was undertaken. Actions completed since January 2009 included a financial Review of all people supported by independent sector providers and a value for money appraisal of existing domiciliary care arrangements.


Although most of the actions set to respond to issues highlighted by the PIDA had been completed, the Director provided an explanation in relation to the following, which were listed in the appendix to his report as “ongoing” –


·  Review all LD People who Use Services (AC R4)

·  Review current Domiciliary Care contract in terms of the personalisation agenda and context of individual budgets (ACR2)


He reported also that the department currently had 257 people supported by 26 accredited supported living providers and, in Wirral there were a further 20 accredited providers with whom no people were currently placed by DASS. Since the monitoring process was launched in January 2009, the Contracts Monitoring Team had completed 10 spot check inspections and 9 full inspections, most of which had been carried out jointly with a seconded officer from the Supported Living Team. He indicated that following each inspection an action plan was agreed with the Provider and its implementation monitored, with follow up visits being arranged where appropriate.


However, contract monitoring and quality control was also a matter for future work in the context of broader developments in the transformation/ personalisation agenda. These included the role and place of Wirral’s Local Involvement Network (LINk), which had a statutory role to monitor the quality of provision across health and social care. In turn, as the new contracting approach was developed, expectations upon providers and some more comprehensive person centred arrangements would be developed and would be the subject of further reports.


The Director commented that each of the reports on the Committee agenda were due to be considered by the Health and Well Being Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 10 November 2009.


Resolved –


(1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That this Committee  ...  view the full minutes text for item 44