Issue - meetings

Managing Fraud

Meeting: 01/02/2010 - Council Excellence Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 51)

51 Managing Fraud pdf icon PDF 57 KB

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Further to minutes 53 and 79 (Audit and Risk Management Committee – 25 November 2009 and 18 January 2010) the Director of Finance reported that Internal Audit had conducted a thorough review of the systems in operation across the Council to manage the risk of fraud. This had involved undertaking a detailed exercise to examine the counter fraud policies that the Council had in place and an evaluation against current best practice contained in the ‘Managing the Risk of Fraud – Actions to Counter Fraud and Corruption’ publication produced by CIPFA for use by local authorities.


He presented a comprehensive internal audit report and action plan that had been prepared for Chief Officers, which identified the findings of the review including the actions required to improve the systems in operation. All of the actions and a timetable for implementation had been agreed with the relevant Chief Officers and the Director proposed to present a further update on progress later in the year to the Audit and Risk Management Committee.


Resolved –


(1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That an update be presented to a future meeting of the Committee.

Meeting: 18/01/2010 - Audit and Risk Management Committee (Item 79)

79 Managing Fraud pdf icon PDF 58 KB

Additional documents:


The Chief Internal Auditor reported that Internal Audit had conducted a thorough review of the systems in operation across the Council to manage the risk of fraud. This had involved undertaking a detailed exercise to examine the counter fraud policies that the Council had in place and an evaluation against current best practice contained in the ‘Managing the Risk of Fraud – Actions to Counter Fraud and Corruption’ publication produced by CIPFA for use by local authorities.


He presented a comprehensive internal audit report and action plan that had been prepared for Chief Officers, which identified the findings of the review including the actions required to improve the systems in operation. All of the actions and a timetable for implementation had been agreed with the relevant Chief Officers and the Director proposed to present a further update on progress later in the year.


Resolved –


(1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That a further progress report be presented to a future meeting of the Committee.