Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 1 - Wallasey Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Daniel Sharples
No. | Item |
Election of Chair for the Meeting Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Legal Services started the meeting and asked for nominations for somebody to Chair the meeting.
On a motion moved Councillor Yvonne Nolan, seconded by Karen Howell, it was –
Resolved – That Simon Banks, Place Director be elected Chair for the duration of the meeting. |
Simon Banks in the Chair Additional documents: |
Welcome and Introduction Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair welcomed members of the Board and those watching at home to the first meeting of the Wirral Place Based Partnership Board, which had been delayed due to the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. The Chair outlined the purpose of the Board in bringing together representatives of the Council, NHS Cheshire and Merseyside, NHS providers and the Community, Voluntary and Faith Sector into a forum for NHS Cheshire and Merseyside to conduct its business in Wirral. |
Apologies Additional documents: Minutes: It was reported that apologies for absence had been received from Janelle Holmes, Tim Welch and Simone White. |
Declarations of Interest Members are asked to consider whether they have any relevant interest in connection with any item(s) on this agenda and, if so, to declare them and state the nature of the interest.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair invited members to declare any disclosable pecuniary and any other interests in connection with any item(s) on the agenda and to state the nature of the interest.
No declarations were made. |
Public and Member Questions Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair reported no public questions, statements or petitions had been received. |
Election of Chair and Vice-Chair for the Municipal Year Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair invited a discussion and proposals on the election of the Chair and Vice-Chair for the remainder of the 2022-23 municipal year.
A discussion ensued where it was suggested that the Chair should be neutral given the Place Director’s role in presenting reports to the Board. The counter view was made that the Place Director should be the Chair during the development of the Board whilst a process was developed to select an appropriate Chair.
It was felt that clarification was required on the time commitment and responsibility for the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Board.
It was moved by Councillor Yvonne Nolan, seconded by Paul Satoor, that Simon Banks be elected Chair for the first three meetings.
Following a discussion, Simon Banks moved an amendment to the motion, to include an additional resolution ‘that the Wirral Place Governance Group be requested to work on a proposal on how to elect a Chair, to be reported back to the Board in December 2022.’ This was seconded by Paul Satoor. The amendment was accepted.
The Board then discussed the election of Vice-Chair and noted that in the absence of the Chair, the Board could elect a temporary Chair for that meeting.
The substantive motion was then put, and it was –
Resolved (unanimously) – That
(1) Simon Banks be elected as Chair of the Wirral Place Based Partnership Board for the first three meetings.
(2) the Wirral Place Governance Group be requested to work on a proposal on how to elect a Chair, to be reported back to the Board in December 2022. |
Wirral Place Based Partnership Board: Terms of Reference Additional documents:
Minutes: The Assistant Director for Strategy and Partnerships at Wirral Council introduced the report which provided an update to the Wirral Place Based Partnership (WPBP) Board on the development of the Terms of Reference for the board, the newly established Joint Strategic Commissioning Board and the recommended process of nominating a Chair and Deputy for the WPBP Board.
The Terms of Reference of the Place Based Partnership Board were detailed, including the process for their development and approval. The Terms of Reference for the Joint Strategic Commissioning Board Sub-Committee were also detailed, where it was outlined that this body was a formal Sub-Committee of the Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee with delegated responsibility for the Section 75 fund and would sit in common with the Place Based Partnership Board where required. It was further clarified that the Terms of Reference of the Joint Strategic Commissioning Board Sub-Committee were defined in the Council’s constitution, but the Terms of Reference of the Place Partnership Board were within the gift of the Board to amend and approve.
The Board discussed its Terms of Reference and it was felt that it was timely to review them given they were last approved in March 2022, to further consider the issues of representation, quoracy and public attendance. A further discussion took place in relation to public attendance, where it was clarified that the Board should meet in public in accordance with the NHS guidance, but that a process for considering development items not in public should be considered.
On a motion by the Chair, seconded by Councillor Mary Jordan, it was –
Resolved – That the Place Director, in consultation with the Wirral Place Governance Group, be requested to review the Terms of Reference and processes for the Wirral Place Based Partnership Board, for further consideration by the Board in December 2022. |
Wirral Place Based Partnership Board Supporting Governance and Assurance - Next Steps Additional documents: Minutes: The Place Director NHS Cheshire and Merseyside introduced the report which set out the four key governance and assurance groups that NHS Cheshire and Merseyside would be establishing with partners in Wirral to support the Wirral Place Based Partnership Board and prepare for additional responsibilities through delegation.
There was a discussion in relation to the most appropriate reporting mechanism for the Wirral Provider Partnership. On a motion by the Chair, seconded by Karen Howell, it was –
Resolved – That the Wirral Place Governance Group be requested to consider the appropriate reporting mechanisms for the Wirral Provider Partnership, to be reported back to the Board in December 2022. |
With the agreement of the Board, the Chair altered the order of business. Additional documents: |
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Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Quality and Safety NHS Cheshire and Merseyside introduced the report of the Director of Children, Families and Education Wirral Council which provided an updated on the Special Education Needs and Disabilities Transformation Programme and progress on the Wirral Statement of Action, which had been produced in response to an inspection of the local area’s services for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC), and subsequently approved by Ofsted on 28 March 2022.
It was intended that the Wirral Place Based Partnership Board would be provided with oversight of the Statement of Action and the progress made, with the Board receiving an update on the 102 actions, of which 82 had been completed. A deep dive session had been held to look at the actions that were not on track, with two actions likely to not meet the deadline for completion which were the Graduated Response where it was felt that further time was needed to properly embed the approach, and the Co-Production Charter, where delays were as a result of the availability of partners in the Department for Education. It was reported that preparations were underway for a monitoring meeting with the Department for Education and NHS England on 16 November 2022.
Members noted the two programmes that had slipped beyond the deadline but supported the approach of ensuring actions were properly delivered. The Board discussed the support partner organisations could offer and it was felt that the Place Based Partnership Board was the most appropriate place for the progress of the actions to be tracked. Suggestions were made about future iterations of the report, including the inclusion of user and service provider perspective.
Resolved – That
(1) the report and progress made to date be noted. (2) a further monitoring report be received at a future date. |
Place Director Objectives Additional documents: Minutes: The Place Director NHS Cheshire and Merseyside introduced the report which outlined NHS Cheshire and Merseyside’s requirement for each of the nine Place Directors to develop objectives with representatives from their respective places and provided the Wirral Place Directors objectives.
It was outlined that objectives were developed by the Place Director during June and July 2022 in dialogue with key system partners. The objectives reflected the ambitions of the Wirral Plan 2026 and key areas of delivery for the Wirral health and care system in 2022/23. The objectives were approved by the Chief Executive of NHS Cheshire and Merseyside in August 2022. The Board was informed that there was a place outcomes monitoring framework and dashboard underpinning the objectives.
The Board discussed a number of elements of the report including the need for further engagement with the third sector in the delivery of the objectives and the production of future objectives. It was noted that as part of the delivery of the objectives, the Place Based Partnership Board would receive further detail on the winter plans.
On a motion by the Chair, seconded by Councillor Yvonne Nolan, it was –
Resolved – That the objectives of the Place Director (Wirral) be noted and quarterly progress reports on the delivery of those objectives be received, commencing in January 2023. |
Health and Wellbeing Strategy Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Public Health introduced the report which provided an update on work to develop a Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Wirral. The report detailed the work that had been undertaken to produce the strategy, and it was further reported that the Strategy had now been approved by the Health and Wellbeing Board and would be shared with the Place Based Partnership Board following the meeting.
The Director of Public Health detailed the issues around the worsening gap in life expectancy across Wirral as well as the over declining life expectancy for Wirral residents, with the Health and Wellbeing Strategy recognising the importance of the factors that affect people’s health. It was reported that the Health and Wellbeing Board has established a steering group to help deliver the priorities within the strategy with members of the Public Health team identified as leads for each priority and sought co-leads from partner organisations around the table.
Members of the Board discussed the challenges in turning the desired outcomes of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy into implementable actions to improve health outcomes for residents.
Resolved – That the development of the Wirral Health and Wellbeing Strategy be noted. |
Wirral Delivery Plan Additional documents: Minutes: The Associate Director for Transformation and Partnerships NHS Cheshire and Merseyside introduced the report which detailed the Wirral Delivery Plan which outlined the Wirral Place key health and care priorities for 2022/23 and how it would adopt a new way of working by adhering to the principles shared in the Plan that would underpin how Place would work together on the delivery of the Plan. It was reported that the plan had been developed collaboratively between commissioners and providers and is cognisant of key national and local strategic plans and policies.
On a motion by the Chair, seconded by Matthew Swanborough, it was –
Resolved – That the Delivery Plan be approved, the priorities within the Delivery Plan be noted, and quarterly progress reports be received commencing in January 2023. |
Impact of Cost of Living increases on Wirral Additional documents: Minutes: The Cost of Living Lead introduced the report of the Director of Public Health and Place Director for Wirral which provided an overview of the challenges local people were facing caused by the cost-of-living pressures and outlined proposed action to mitigate impacts and support residents.
The report detailed the extensive qualitative and quantitative data analysed to try to understand and project the impacts the pressures would have on residents, linking to the Wirral Intelligence Service latest information. The report further detailed the support available to residents via the Council and other organisations, with £1.2m of Contain Outbreak Management Funding made available to the Community, Voluntary and Faith Sector and a further £0.5m for action to tackle fuel poverty. The report had been considered by the Health and Wellbeing Board and the next steps were outlined, where a multi-agency summit would be organised to support the development of a comprehensive and co-ordinated action plan to support local people.
The Board discussed the opportunities that sharing the Wirral Intelligence Service data with service providers would bring and it was proposed that this be explored further.
Resolved – That the work to develop appropriate collaborative working arrangements and joint action plans to mitigate the impacts of the cost-of-living pressures on residents be noted. |
2022/23 Pooled Fund Finance Report to Month 4 July 2022 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Associate Director of Finance for Cheshire and Merseyside ICB introduced the report which set out the arrangements in place to support effective integrated commissioning, including the budget and variations to the expenditure areas for agreement and inclusion within the 2022/23 pooled fund and the risk and gain share agreement.
In 2022/23 Wirral Health and Care partners had chosen to jointly pool £248.56m to enable a range of responsive services for vulnerable Wirral residents as well as a significant component of Better Care Funding to protect frontline social care delivery. The report provided a summary forecast position of the pooled fund as at Month 4 to 31st March 2023 and the financial risk exposure of each partner organisation. An update was also provided on the preparation of the framework partnership agreement under section 75 of the National Health Services Act 2006 relating to the commissioning of health and social care services, which would be subject to approval and sign off by Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board (ICB).
It was reported that further hospital discharge funding was due to be announced from NHS England in the coming days which it was hoped would help with issues associated in delays in discharges. A further discussion was had around the work being undertaken as part of the Winter Plan and how that would be matched by the funding available and how any overspend would be dealt with, taking into account further funding streams such as that expected for hospital discharges. The importance of linking the third sector into hospital discharges was also emphasised.
Resolved – That
(1) the forecast £5.9m overspend position due to the Clinical
Commissioning Group / Integrated Care Board (ICB)Wirral Place pool
commissioned services and the fact that the ICB Wirral Place holds
the financial risks on this overspend be noted. (2) the shared risk arrangements being limited to the Better Care Fund only which was reporting a break-even position be noted.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Legal Services introduced the report which detailed the annual work programme of items for consideration by the Wirral Place Based Partnership Board. The Board was comprised of members from multiple organisations and the report enabled all partners to contribute items for consideration at future meetings.
Further proposals to be added to the work programme included:
• Monthly updates on the Winter Plan • Cyclical updates from the Sub-groups • Year-end finance report for Wirral Place • Update on strategic estates • Report on the Anchor Institute Commitments • Quarterly update from Healthwatch Wirral
On a motion by the Chair, seconded by Matthew Swanborough, it was –
Resolved – That the work programme, with the inclusion of the items suggested, be noted. |