Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 1 - Wallasey Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Mike Jones
No. | Item |
Welcome and Introduction Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair welcomed the members of the Board, officers and those watching the webcast to the meeting. |
Apologies Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from: Abel Adegoke Chair, Primary Care Council Dave Bradburn Wirral Council Janelle Holmes Wirral University Teaching Hospital Karen Howell Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Trust Tim Welch Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Trust Simone White Wirral Council
PRESENT: Simon Banks Place Director/ Chair Dr Nick Cross (in place of Karen Howell) Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Trust Suzanne Edwards (in place of Tim Welch) Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Trust Carol Johnson-Eyre VCFSE Councillor Mary Jordan Wirral Council David McGovern (in place of Janelle Holmes) Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Justine Molyneux VCFSE Councillor Yvonne Nolan Wirral Council Tom Pharoah Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS FT Kirsteen Sheppard Healthwatch Wirral Councillor Jason Walsh Wirral Council Paul Satoor Wirral Council Graham Hodkinson Wirral Council Elspeth Anwar Wirral Council Liz Hartley Wirral Council Dr David Jones Primary Care Provider Steven Wright Primary Care Provider
ALSO PRESENT: Lorna Quigley NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Martin McDowell NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Mike Chantler NHS Cheshire and Merseyside |
Declarations of Interest Members are asked to consider whether they have any relevant interest in connection with any item(s) on this agenda and, if so, to declare them and state the nature of the interest.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair asked for members to declare any interests in any items on the agenda. No interests were declared. |
To approve the accuracy on the minutes of the meeting held on 8 December 2022.
Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved – That, subject to Dr Steven Wright being noted as present and Dr David Jones being noted as not present, the minutes of the meeting held on 8 December 2022 be approved as a correct record. |
Public and Member Questions Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair reported no public questions, statements or petitions had been received. |
Place Director Objectives Update Additional documents: Minutes: The Place Director, NHS Cheshire ad Merseyside, introduced this report which provided an update on progress against objectives approved in October 2022 to reflect the ambitions of the Wirral Plan 2026 and key areas of delivery for the Wirral health and care system in 2022/23. Good progress was indicated against the key core objectives, notably: rolling out the ‘Virtual Wards’ initiative across the Wirral to support people in their homes; Hypertension work; working with Council leaders on tackling the cost of living crisis; future work would also begin to develop a workforce plan.
Members praised the work undertaken and offered suggestions such as Local Representative Committees to co-ordinate front line work and restoring some services, such as dentistry, to pre-pandemic levels.
Resolved: That the progress against these objectives be noted and that the Board receive quarterly progress reports on their delivery. |
Wirral Delivery Plan - Delivery Update Additional documents: Minutes: The Place Director, NHS Cheshire and Merseyside, introduced this report which was an update of progress on the Wirral Delivery Plan which outlined the Wirral Place key health and care priorities for 2022/23. He highlighted that significant progress had been made, notably with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability), Virtual Wards, care market sustainability and discharge to assess and reablement. Closures of care providers was a worrying issue but the successes were welcomed.
Resolved: That the update of the progress of the key priority programmes within the Delivery Plan be noted. |
Place Partnership Briefing - NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Public Engagement Framework Additional documents:
Minutes: The Assistant Director – Communications & Engagement for NHS Cheshire and Merseyside introduced this report which provided an update and sought the involvement of Place partnerships in the development of NHS Cheshire and Merseyside’s Public Engagement Framework and the ten principles that the framework was built around. The partnerships were seen as key to developing effective public involvement mechanisms for local people that, in turn, could inform the work of Integrated Care System (ICS) partners. The request was being taken to all nine Places in Cheshire and Merseyside. It was noted that many partners already had methods of involving people and communities at a local level and that there was a legacy framework from the Clinical Commissioning Groups.
Members offered help in contacting digitally inactive residents and noted there was already a strong brand of Keep Wirral Well.
Resolved That (1) the ten key principles for working with people and communities, as set out in NHS Cheshire and Merseyside’s draft Public Engagement Framework (pg.13) and NHS England’s Working in partnership with people and communities: statutory guidance be endorsed. 2) the feedback and comments on the draft Public Engagement Framework be noted. |
Place Review Meetings Additional documents: Minutes: The Place Director, NHS Cheshire and Merseyside, introduced this report which provided an update on the quarterly review meetings with NHS Cheshire and Merseyside which took place on 24th October 2022 and included a self-assessment on four aspects of the performance and governance of the Place. Feedback and requests were received at the meeting.
Resolved That (1) the presentation that was given at the Place Review Meeting on 24th October 2022 be noted. (2) the feedback from NHS Cheshire and Merseyside following the Place Review Meeting be noted. (3) an update on the actions taken in response to this feedback be provided. |
2022/23 Pooled Fund Finance Report to Month 7, September 2022 The Appendix for this item may not be suitable to view for people with disabilities, users of assistive technology or mobile phone devices. Please contact Mike Jones (contact details above) if you would like this document in an accessible format. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Finance Officer for NHS Cheshire and Merseyside introduced this report which provided a description of the arrangements that had been put in place to support effective integrated commissioning. It set out the key issues in respect of: a) budget and variations to the expenditure areas for agreement and inclusion within the 2022/23 shared (“pooled”) fund; and b) risk and gain share arrangements. In 2022/23 Wirral Health and Care partners had chosen to jointly pool £248.97m to enable a range of responsive services for vulnerable Wirral residents as well as a significant component of Better Care Funding to protect frontline social care delivery.
Resolved: That it be noted that (1) the forecast position for the Pool at Month 7 is currently a £5.7m overspend position. This is due to CCG / ICB Wirral Place pool commissioned services overspend of £5.9m offset by an underspend on Local Authority Health and Care commissioned services of £0.2m. The ICB Wirral Place holds the financial risks on the £5.9m overspend. (2) the shared risk arrangements are limited to the Better Care Fund only, which is reporting a forecast break-even position. |
Wirral Place Based Partnership Work Programme Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Legal Services introduced the report which detailed the annual work programme of items for consideration by the Wirral Place Based Partnership Board.
Changes to the work programme were made and noted by officers, including a report on SEND, a presentation on what the Community, Voluntary, Faith and Social Enterprise sector can offer strategically and operationally, a quality and safety report, and a report on the estates team.
Resolved – That the work programme be noted. |