Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 1 - Wallasey Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Michael Jones, Principal Democratic Services Officer Principal Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Welcome and Introduction Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and read out the webcast notice. |
Apologies for absence Additional documents: Minutes: An apology for absence had been received from Councillor Sue Powell Wilde. Councillor Jerry Williams would act as substitute for her. |
MEMBERS' CODE OF CONDUCT - DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are asked whether they have any personal or prejudicial interests in connection with any application on the agenda and, if so, to declare them and state the nature of the interest. Additional documents: Minutes: Members were asked to declare any interests in any items on the agenda. No interests were declared. |
To approve the accuracy of the minutes of the meeting held on 9 October 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting held on 9 October 2024 be approved as a true record. |
The Chair changed the order of the items so that agenda item 7 (LDP-24-00858 - 41 EPSOM ROAD MORETON) was heard first because of the number of observers present for that item. The minutes remain in the order of the agenda. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Senior Planning Officer detailed this application for consideration.
A Ward Councillor addressed the Committee.
The Applicant’s agent addressed the Committee and answered Member questions.
Members debated the application.
On a motion by Councillor Andrew Gardner, seconded by the Chair, Councillor Stuart Kelly, it was:
Resolved (unanimously): the planning application be approved for the reasons set out in the officers report subject to the following conditions: 1 The development hereby permitted shall begin not later than 3 years from the date of this decision. 2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans received by the local planning authority and listed as follows: 'Site Location Plan' 5986-POZ-00-00-DR-1000/P04, received 26th June 2024; 'Planning Demolition Site Plan' 5986-POZ-00-00-DR-A-1002/P03, received 26th June 2024; 'Planning Proposed Site Plan' 5986-POZ-00-00-DR-A-1003/P06, received 26th June 2024; 'Planning-Demolition-GAs-Level 00 Plan' 5986-POZ-00-00-DR-A-1150/P03, received 26th June 2024; 'Planning-Demolition-GAs-Level 01 Plan' 5986-POZ-00-00-DR-A-1151/P03, received 26th June 2024; 'Planning-Proposed-GAs-Level 00 Plan' 5986-POZ-00-00-DR-A-1200/P05, received 26th June 2024; 'Planning-Proposed-GAs-Level 01 Plan' 5986-POZ-00-00-DR-A-1201/P03, received 26th June 2024; 'Planning-Proposed-GAs-Level RF Plan' 5986-POZ-00-RF-DR-A-1211/P03, received 26th June 2024; 'Planning-Street View Elevation' 5986-POZ-00-ZZ-DR-A-1300/P03, received 26th June 2024; 'Planning-Proposed GA Elevations' 5986-POZ-00-ZZ-DR-A-1302/P04, received 4th September 2024; and 'Proposed Sport Courts Tennis and Netball' YD2_WKGS_LP005, received 4th September 2024; 3 No above ground works shall take place prior to details of all materials to be used in the external construction of this development have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Details shall also include: • colour details of all proposed brick and proposed mortar; and • colour details of all proposed frames. The development shall be carried out in accordance with approved details. 4 Prior to any works commencing to the boundary fronting Meols Drive, a proposed gate design for the vehicular access shall be submitted and agreed by the LPA prior to installation. It shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with approved design. 5 Prior to first occupation of the development hereby approved, the 3m high instant green screen shall be erected in full accordance with the details showing on drawings YD2_WKGS_LP00901/P01 and YD2_WKGS_LP001/P8. Thereafter, the screen will be maintained in place. 6 The rear opening to the first-floor level within the west facing side elevation of the Sixth Form extension hereby approved, shall be obscurely glazed and non-opening, up to a height of 1.7m above the floor level. This shall be installed prior to the first occupation of the development hereby approved and retained as such thereafter. 7 Prior to the commencement of development, a Construction Management Plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by The Local Planning Authority. The provisions of the Construction Management Plan shall be implemented in full during the period of construction and shall not be varied unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. • Location(s) for the parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors. • Location(s) for the loading and unloading of plant and materials. • Location(s) for the storage of plant and materials used in construction ... view the full minutes text for item 28. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Principal Planning and Enforcement Team Leader detailed this application for consideration.
The Applicant’s agent addressed the Committee along with the developer and the Chair of Bromborough & Eastham Junior Football Club and answered Member questions.
Members debated the application
Councillor Steve Foulkes moved refusal of the application, seconded by Councillor Brian Kenny for the reasons set out in the officers report. This motion was lost (4 for, 6 against and 1 abstention).
On a motion by the Chair, Councillor Stuart Kelly, seconded by Councillor Andrew Gardner that the public and community benefits arising from the development clearly outweigh the harm resulting from the partial loss of sports pitches caused by the car park and also outweigh the less than substantial harm to the conservation area arising from the car park, the benefits being noted as:
· the opportunities for local children and young people to take part in organised sport. · It would be a home for a main football club, catering for 600 young people between the ages of 14 and 16, · space for healthy and productive activity for adults and young people, · hedge and tree planting, which would encourage wildlife and increasing tree cover, 8 trees are stipulated, I think, and shrubs. · There is an identified need for additional pitches throughout the borough. 2 football pitches were marked out and were last used in 2012, for certain and the report goes on to suggest they might have been used in 2013 and 2015. The report goes on to say there was a planning permission granted in 2015 for pitches on the site. The Council’s own playing pitch outdoor sports strategy and action plan in July 2021 identifies the site as being lapsed, which Sport England don’t agree with, neither do I and it’s suitable for at least 2 pitches. · Sport England’s documents identify that car parking can be considered as ancillary to the principal use of the playing field. · the use of Grasscrete is preferable to tarmac, · the release of the old Price’s club as a community resource will also be a clear public benefit and a benefit to the conservation area as a whole as these buildings can deteriorate incredibly quickly. · Bear in mind the change to the outlook for nearby housing and I quote from the report that “There will be a very minor change to the outlook for nearby housing on South View, the car parking structures associated with the pitches, the outlook will remain as substantially grass and additional landscaping has the potential to improve the look. Biodiversity net gain increases by 10.57% in terms of habitat and 61.88% in terms of hedgerow. · Drainage underneath the proposed pitches is seen as adequate whilst it doesn’t cover the entire site, it’s clearly an inherent improvement on the current situation.
It was
Resolved (6 for, 5 against): That the application be delegated to the Assistant Director Chief Planner for approval, subject to the imposition of conditions covering the matters listed and considered necessary to secure the sporting and ... view the full minutes text for item 29. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Development Management Manager presented the application for consideration. The application was not an application for planning permission but an application for a Lawful Development Certificate for the use of a dwelling as a children’s home for up to four children with up to three carers present. A petition had been received in objection. The Committee were asked to assess if it was a material change of use.
The Lead Petitioner addressed the Committee.
A Ward Councillor addressed the Committee.
The Applicant addressed the Committee and answered Member questions.
Members debated the application.
On a motion from the Chair, Councillor Stuart Kelly, and seconded by Councillor Steve Foulkes, it was
Resolved (8 for, 1 against, 2 abstentions) – That for the reasons set out in the officers report the application for a Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Use or Development be approved. |
DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE UPDATE - PLANNING APPLICATIONS PDF 147 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Development Management Manager presented the report of the Director of Regeneration and Place which provided an update of the performance in determining planning applications.
Resolved – that the report be noted. |
DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE UPDATE - PLANNING APPEALS PDF 217 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Development Management Manager presented the report of the Director of Regeneration and Place which provided an update of the performance in dealing with planning appeals.
Resolved – that the report be noted. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Development Management Manager presented the report of the Director of Regeneration and Place to the committee which provided an update of the performance in dealing with Planning Enforcement matters.
Resolved – that the report be noted. |