Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 1 - Wallasey Town Hall
Contact: Victoria Rainsford Committee Officer
No. | Item |
APP/11/01049: Hillside Road, TRANMERE, Wirral CH41 9EL - Extension of time for planning permission APP/2008/05610 - Erection of 12 dwellings |
APP/14/00081: 1-3 PENSBY ROAD, HESWALL, CH60 7RA - Proposed refurbishment of existing vacant shop (A1 use class) to a restaurant/café/bar with the introduction of a first floor partially glazed extension and rear first floor courtyard to become part of restaurant/bar. Supporting office accommodation, Re-design and fit out (amended plans) |
APP/14/00085: 98 CLAREMOUNT ROAD, LISCARD, CH45 6UE - To build a pergola 3400mm high near bottom of drive, level ground area along part of south-east boundary (thus raising by 450mm) and erect 2000mm fence along this part of boundary, and erect pergola at height of 2350mm next to house |
APP/14/00099:102 VICTORIA ROAD, TRANMERE, CH42 0JY - Change of use to sheltered accommodation (C2 Use) for semi independant living and associated work including the erection of a two storey rear extension, loft conversion and alterations (Retrospective application). |
APP/14/00237: 7 ALEXANDRA ROAD, BIRKENHEAD, CH43 4XX - Change of use from 6 bedroom property to an 8 bedroom supported accommodation/House of Multiple Occupation (HMO) |
APP/14/00277: Inglewood Cottage, INGLEWOOD, MORETON, CH46 0SD - Convert bungalow to a house with first floor |
APP/14/00304:187 HOLMLANDS DRIVE, OXTON, CH43 0US - First floor side extension and sloping roof to porch |
APP/14/00466: Riversdale Nursing Home, 14-16 RIVERSDALE ROAD, WEST KIRBY,CH48 4EZ - Two first floor rear extensions to provide a net increase of four bedrooms (Amendment to application APP/13/01587) |
Planning Applications Decided Under Delegated Powers Between 30/04/2014 and 05/06/2014 |