Agenda and minutes
Venue: Palace Suite - Floral Pavilion. View directions
Contact: Katherine Brown Committee Officer
No. | Item |
To approve the accuracy of the minutes of the meeting held on 10 February 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Law and Governance submitted the minutes of the meeting held on 10 February 2022 for approval.
On a motion by the Chair and seconded by Councillor S Foulkes it was –
Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting held on 10 February 2022 be approved. |
MEMBERS' CODE OF CONDUCT - DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members of the committee are asked whether they have any personal or prejudicial interests in connection with any application on the agenda and, if so, to declare them and state the nature of the interest. Additional documents: Minutes: Members of the Committee were asked whether they had any personal or prejudicial interests in connection with any application on the agenda and if so to declare them and state the nature of the interest.
No such declarations were made. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Regeneration and Place submitted the above application for consideration.
The Ward Councillor L Rowlands addressed the Committee.
E Tranfield, the applicant addressed the Committee.
On a motion by the Chair and seconded by Councillor S Foulkes it was –
Resolved unanimously – that the application be approved subject to the following conditions.
1. The development hereby permitted shall be commenced either before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission or before the expiration of two years from the date of approval of the last of the reserved matters to be approved, whichever is the later. Reason: To comply with the provisions of Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990 (as amended).
2. No development shall commence on site until details of the following reserved matters have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority within three years from the date of this permission.
(a) The scale of the development; (b) The layout of the development; (c) The external appearance of the development (d) The landscaping of the site; and (e) The means of access
The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.
3. Any subsequent application for reserved matters shall be accompanied by full details of the finished site and ground floor levels intended at the completion of the development, in relation to the existing site levels and the levels of the adjoining land and the development shall be carried out and completed in accordance with the details so approved.
4. Details of materials for all external work including samples, shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority before any construction takes place above ground level
5. No part of the development shall be brought into use until areas for vehicle parking, turning and manoeuvring have been laid out, demarcated, levelled, surfaced and drained in accordance with the approved plan and these areas shall be retained thereafter for that specific use.
6. The detailed landscaping plans submitted as reserved matters shall include:
(i) details of boundary treatments and hard surfaces
(ii) the location, size and species of all trees to be planted
(iii) the location, size, species and density of all shrub and ground cover planting
(iv) a schedule of implementation
7. The approved landscaping shall be completed before the development approved is occupied. Within 5 years of the implementation of the approved landscaping scheme, any plants or trees which die or become diseased shall be replaced with an equivalent plant or tree.
8. Construction of the development authorised by this permission shall not begin until the LPA has approved in writing a full scheme of works for the construction of the new vehicle access from the highway and any amendments to the existing highway made necessary by this development, including details of the temporary vehicle crossing access, the new permanent vehicle access in accordance with the LPA crossing specifications and amendments to the footway to Mere Lane. The ... view the full minutes text for item 52. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Principal Planner presented the report of the Director of Regeneration and Place in relation the above application. The Principal Planner explained that the applicant had submitted an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate on the grounds of non- determination of the application. The report listed an assessment to enable the Committee to establish the decision that would have been made had it determined the application. This would enable Council officers to establish the stance that should be taken by the Council in terms of contesting the appeal.
M Gilbert the Lead Petitioner for a petition in opposition to the application addressed the Committee.
B Elkerton and S Williams on behalf of the petitioners in support of the application addressed the Committee.
The Ward Councillor G Wood addressed the Committee.
M Turner, a representative for the applicant addressed the Committee.
On a motion by Councillor S Foulkes and seconded by the Chair it was –
Resolved unanimously – that
(1) the application would have been refused on the following grounds: - 1. The playing pitches are not surplus to requirement and the proposed mitigation package is inadequate to compensate for the loss of the existing Noctorum Playing Field. This loss will not be replaced by equivalent or better provision in terms of quantity and quality, and the proposal is therefore contrary to Wirral Unitary Development Plan Policy RE6, National Planning Policy Framework Paragraph 99 and Sport England’s playing fields policy.
2. The loss of this previously undeveloped site for a residential development, particularly one that has a higher density than the prevailing character of the area, would have a clear adverse impact on the character of this area and therefore conflicts with Wirral Unitary Development Plan Policy HS4 and HS5 and the National Planning Policy Framework, in particular Paragraph 124.
3. Insufficient evidence has been provided to demonstrate that this development cannot meet the 20% affordable housing requirement on site, and the proposal is therefore contrary to Wirral Unitary Development Plan Policy HSG2 and HS6 and the National Planning Policy Framework
4. The proposal is considered to constitute unsustainable development due to the site being located a substantial distance from local services and the lack of a dedicated pedestrian footpath for substantial parts of the surrounding road network. This will result in significant highway safety concerns and will dissuade future occupiers of the site to consider alternative, sustainable transport modes. The proposed development is therefore considered to be contrary to the Wirral Unitary Development Plan, in particular Policy TR9 and TRT1, and the National Planning Policy Framework, in particular Paragraphs 110 and 112
5. Insufficient evidence has been provided to demonstrate that the private land drain to which the proposed drainage system proposes to outfall will retain connectivity for the lifetime of the development and without a functioning outfall the minimum operational standards cannot be met. The proposal is therefore contrary to Paragraph 169 of the National Planning Policy Framework.
authority be given to the Director of Regeneration of Place to ... view the full minutes text for item 53. |