Agenda and minutes

Venue: Wallasey Sea Cadets Victoria Road New Brighton CH45 9LD

Contact: Andy Brannon  Community Engagement Co-ordinator, 0151 691 8391, Email:

No. Item


Welcome, Introductions and Apologies:


The Chair, Councillor P Hayes, welcomed forum members and 21 members of the public to the area forum at Wallasey Sea Cadets.


Apologies were noted from Cllr Leslie Rennie, Martin Revans, Bob Little, Mark Williams and Dave Green.


Cllr Hayes also welcomed Cllr Pat Hackett to the forum after his election and thanked Tony Pritchard for his work during his time on the forum.



Minutes & Matters Arising (Previous meeting - February 2011): pdf icon PDF 257 KB


Area Co-ordinator's Report


2.1) The Area Co-ordinator, Andy Brannan, went through previous minutes pointing out the matters arising on page 4. There is a written update for all the issues raised at previous forum.


Q) Cllr Wood asked for further clarification on the issues at the last forum around Wallasey Cricket Club and speeding on Grove Road


A) Andy Brannan explained the answer provided on Wallasey Cricket Club and Insp Kolokotroni advised that they have targeted Grove Road and as yet no one has been caught speeding but they will continue to monitor the road.


Neighbourhood Plans:


Kevin McCallum gave a presentation on Neighbourhood Plans, explained the purpose of them, explained how people can get involved in the focus groups and filling the questionnaire in.


Q) Cllr Hackett: Are these Neighbourhood Plans are the same plans that concentrate on planning issues?

A) No, there are 2 separate plans. The Neighbourhood Plans through the Area Forums focus on all Council issues and not just planning or land use. It is hoped that the 2 plans will link together and work side by side.


Q) Cllr Hackett: How the council will ensure that doesn’t just it seek the views of the same old people it usually engages with?

A) The aim is to make sure we speak to as many people as possible. We will be visiting libraries, leisure centres, and supermarkets as well as conducting focus groups with community groups and resident groups etc.


Q) Cllr Hackett: Will these plans take into account the findings of past consultation?

A) Yes. Neighbourhood Plans are currently being drawn up which looks at the issues and demographics of the 11 area forums. This will help inform the Neighbourhood Plans.


Q) Cllr Wood: We have tried funding like Empty Shops Funding before. Why can’t money be used in the areas that need it more?

A) It is hoped that area forum funding will be more flexible in the future and can go towards what residents tell us are important when the neighbourhood plans are finalised.


Cllr Hayes read out a written statement from Cllr Foulkes confirming his support for the neighbourhood plans.



Partner Updates/Public Question Time:


Inspector Michael Barrett


Crime continues to fall in the area, especially around anti social behaviour. There have however been a few issues with burglaries. This is mainly due to people not locking their front doors properly.


Two initiatives have been launched to target open spaces at weekends and light nights.


Q) Dave Hanlon: I attended the Liscard and Seacombe area forum and the police representatives were unaware of an incident of assault in Central Park.

A) Insp Barrett: I am aware of the incident and we are looking into it.


Q) Various residents: A discussion was held over youth behaviour on the Tower Grounds and surrounding streets where youths are accessing the grounds from. This included installing alleygates and the number of reported issues on the grounds.

A) Various contributors: Any incident needs to be called through to the Police as they need to be made aware of the grounds as a hot spot area. If this is done the stats will show that resource needs to be put on to the Tower Grounds. The police are aware of the issues and give attention to the Tower grounds but residents need to call the police whenever there is an issue.


Q) Cllr Hackett: there is a meeting at New Brighton Community Centre on the 21st July about the Tower Grounds, which will include an estate walkabout to look at the issues. This meeting is open to any resident. Insp Barrett indicated that he will go along on the walkabout.


Q) Cllr Glassman: Has any attention been given to speeding along Fernhill Road?

A) Insp Barrett: Yes, however no one has been caught driving as yet.


Q) Resident: Our property overlooks a flat. People act suspiciously at the property.

A) Insp Barrett: Requested the details at the end of the meeting we will look into it.


Q) Resident: Youths riding scramblers along the roads are causing problems:

A) Insp Barrett: This is a difficult issue to tackle and very rarely will police chase someone on a scrambler as it can be dangerous. The best tactic is to get intelligence on anyone who causing a problem. If anyone knows who the individuals are please contact the police.


Q) Resident: Youths are also causing problems on pedal bikes especially around the Floral Pavilion where some of the walls seem to be damaged.

A) Steve Preston: The Community Patrol Team will monitor the CCTV cameras along there to try and alleviate the problem.




Inspector Kolokotroni


All the statistics for the area are included in the newsletter.  Current resources are being put into truancy sweeps, people cycling on pavements, thefts from motor vehicles and summer activities in Mosslands School.


Chris Jones (Streetscene)


Q) Resident: At the back of the roundabout with the clown statue on a speedbump has been installed but with no markings. This could cause an accident as not many people know about it.

A) Chris Jones: I have seen this speed bump and agreed that the signage should  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Any Other Business:


Meeting was closed at 8.30pm. 


Next Meeting October, date and venue to be confirmed.