Draft minutes

Proposed venue: Wallasey Sea Cadets, St James Hall, Victoria Road, New Brighton, Wirral CH45 9LD

Contact: Andy Brannan  Community Engagement Officer 0151 691 8391

No. Item


Welcome, Introductions and Apologies


The Chair, Councillor P Hayes, welcomed forum members and 30 members of the public to the Neighbourhood Forum at Wallasey Sea Cadets.


Ann Lavin and Albert Ellis were welcomed to the forum as newly elected community reps


Apologies were noted from Cllr Leslie Rennie.



What Really Matters and Council Tax Consultation


andy Brannan gave a presentation into the purpose and background to the consultation, including up to date figures of how many questionnaires had been completed.


Questions were asked about the design of the questionnaire, the questions covered, the amount of savings that had to be made and the current sickness among council staff.


Peter Timmins gave a presentation on the Council Tax Benefit Consultation, the reasons why it is being conducted and the time scales for getting peoples views back.


Questions were asked on the Equality Impact Assessment, obtaining the views of minority groups and is there a mechanism to ensure the council engages with the most vulnerable people in the community



Public Question Time / Area Forum Partner updates


Merseyside Police


Peter Kolokotroni gave the current crime statistics. The focus for the police and partners at the moment is the lead up to Halloween and bon fire night, which includes activities for younger people.


Justin Diggins advised that he has taken over from Inspector Michael Barratt and gave information on activities around under age drinking, bonfire night and working in partnership with the council’s trading standards team


Mike Birrati (Merseyside Fire Service)


There has been a reduction in deliberate, accidental fires and road collisions are all down on the previous year. This is down to the way the Fire Service are working in partnership with the Local Authority and Police.


Mike Collins (Dog Fouling Team)


Mike advised that the dog fouling team are currently having problems around the beaches and promenade within the New Brighton and Wallasey areas, although more fines are being given to dog owners.


Public Question Time:


Questions were asked on the provision of public transport when the marathon is taking place, state of the road surface at Belvedere Road as well as the following issues that will be taken away for feedback at the next forum:




-Some of the footpaths in Rake Lane Cemetery are covered in mud and leafs which makes it difficult to walk on and could be dangerous for some people. Mike Collins will look into this issue as the Dog Fouling Enforcement Team regularly visits the Cemetery.


-When will the branches and bushes in the Tower Grounds be cut back and maintained? Pat Hackett advised that meetings have been held on this issue and it will be looked into. Tony Pritchard is also trying to arrange a public meeting towards the end of the October on this matter.


-A discussion was held on the proposal to dredge sand from the River Mersey and potentially deposit it onto New Brighton beach. More information will be given at the February forum in regards to the up to date situation.



Future meetings / presentations


The meeting closed at 8.15pm


Any Other Business