Agenda and minutes

Venue: Leasowe Community Centre, twickenham Drive, Leasowe, Wirral CH46 1RU

Contact: Tracey Smith  Consultation Manager

No. Item


Welcome, Introductions and Apologies


The Chair, Councillor Chris Blakely, welcomed Area Forum members and five members of the public to the meeting in Leasowe Community Centre. 

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Ann McArdle.


The minutes of the Area Forum meeting on 27 June had been distributed electronically in advance.  Paper copies were available at the meeting.

There were no matters arising.

RESOLVED:  To accept the minutes of the meeting of the Area Forum on 27 June 2012.  





Budget Consultation

  • Question and answer session



The Area Co-ordinator explained that over the next three years, about a third of the Council’s funding from Government [equating to around £100 million] will be removed.  On 10 September, the Council launched a consultation exercise , ‘What Really Matters’, asking members of the public what they think the Council’s priorities should be and to express their views on the decisions needed to transform and improve the Wirral’s services to its residents.

People’s views are vital and will make a difference and it is important therefore that as many people as possible participate in the consultation.  Paper copies of the questionnaire are available at Council One Stop Shops, Libraries, and other public buildings, or the questionnaire can be completed on line on the Council’s website. 

The area co-ordinator explained that the questionnaire comprises nine questions.  The first question focuses on the Council’s three main priorities to protect vulnerable adults and children, tackle poverty and inequalities in health, and create jobs and attract investment.  Members of the public were requested to state their top three highest and three lowest priorities. 

The second part is about services and whether charges for services should be increased or charges should be made for services which are currently free, or whether the private or community sectors and the voluntary organisations could provide a more efficient service for some Council functions.

Members of the public are being asked to suggest services which they believe the Council should stop or reduce to make the savings needed. No decisions have been taken yet; it is a genuine consultation.

The area co-ordinator reported that community engagement officers have visited supermarkets, cinemas, a number of community groups and over a 100 events in the last five weeks, and 11,000 questionnaires have been issued.  So far, 4,000 responses have been received.  The closing date for responses is 19 October. 

The area co-ordinator urged those who had not done so, to fill in a questionnaire, and to encourage friends and family to do so.

The Chair pointed out that it was in fact only £38 million that was being cut and the remainder of the shortfall was a result of increased cost to the Council.

The Chair stated that he was particularly concerned about the freezing of all neighbourhood forum funding, particularly £130,000 of this area forum’s funding.  He had invited the Chief Executive to the meeting to explain why the decision had been taken.  The Chief Executive declined the invitation but said that the lead officers had been briefed and they would be able to give full answers to questions.

Rob Beresford quoted from a statement issued by the Chief Executive which in effect stated - 

In September 2012, the Council received a report on the revenue budget based on spend over the previous three months.  The report highlighted the fact that if action was not taken, an overspend in the region of £17 million would arise by the end  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


Council Tax Support/Benefits

  • Question and Answer Session



Viv O’Leary, Department of Finance, thanked the area forum for giving her the opportunity to talk about changes to the Council Tax system.

The Government has announced that from April 2013, Council Tax Benefits will no longer exist in their current form and all councils will need to devise their own Council Tax Support scheme. 

In addition, Wirral Council will have to work within a budget that has been reduced by at least 10%, which for 2013/14 equates to an initial budget reduction in the region of £3.2 million.  As a result the Council has to make some difficult decisions about who should get financial support and how much support they should be given.

The Council Tax Benefit, which is the means tested benefit that helps people on a low income to pay their Council Tax, will be abolished and replaced with a new local scheme, known as Local Council Tax Support Scheme.

The Government has decided that pensioners and vulnerable people must be protected, and that vulnerable people should be defined locally.

Wirral Council is consulting on the definition of vulnerable people, [eg those of working age who have a disability, have a disabled child, have a war disabled pension or a war widow/widower pension] and is consulting on a proposal to base the local scheme for 2013/14 on the principles of the existing Council Tax Benefit scheme, and on possible options for achieving the £3.2 million savings needed from the scheme.

Members of the public are urged to complete the questionnaire by the return date of 31 October 2012.  Questionnaires can be completed on line on the website in libraries [apart from Rock Ferry Library].  Paper versions can be obtained from and returned to any Council One Stop Shop, Library, Leisure Centre and Children’s Centre.  Completed questionnaires can be returned by post.

Once the consultation finishes, a report will be presented to Elected Members who will make the final decisions on Wirral Council’s Local Council Tax Support Scheme. 

Viv O’Leary responded to questions on the classes of persons who are entitled to a reduction under the scheme, the number of responses to date [400], and the media used to publicise the consultation [The Wirral Globe].

Viv stated that it would be helpful if those present this evening could take away the consultation paper and give feedback, and to encourage responses from family members and friends.


Viv responded to the question.



How are you getting the message out?


By various means.  We have a paper document you can pick up in one stop shops etc, some are here today; on line on the website.  We’re hoping to go out to leisure centres during half term; an article in the Wirral Globe, and on Twitter and Facebook.  With our current clients, everyone gets a flyer and we’ve written to our main stakeholders, eg. Citizens’ Advice Bureau, registered and private landlords, and given presentations at landlord focus meetings.  We haven’t written  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


HealthWatch Consultation




The speaker did not turn up at the meeting The Chair said having given them an opportunity at short notice they had missed their chance and would not be invited back.



General Public Question Time




Q – Cllr Abbey

[To Inspector Kolokotroni].  What impact will cuts in the Police budget have on neighbourhood policing in Wirral?


I can only state that in the short term it has had no effect whatsoever.  What will happen when the new Police Commissioner is elected in November, I don’t know.  Staffing levels in Moreton have not changed.  We have one vacancy and we are hoping to have that filled.


The Chair placed his appreciation on record and congratulated the Police Officer on the reduction in crime levels in the neighbourhood area. 



Date of next Neighbourhood Forum

  • Wednesday 27th February 2013 venue to be confirmed


DATE OF NEXT MEETING:  27 FEBRUARY 2013 at a venue to be confirmed.


In closing the meeting, the Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and extended his best wishes for the forthcoming festive season and for the New Year