Agenda and minutes

Venue: Brookdale Primary School, Escolme Drive, Greasby, Wirral CH49 1SE

Contact: Andy Brannan  Area Forum Co-ordinator

No. Item


Welcome, Introductions and Apologies:


The Chair, Councillor Peter Reisdorf welcomed the Forum members and17 members of the public to the Greasby, Frankby, Irby & Woodchurch Area Forum meeting held at Brookdale Primary School.


Apologies:   David Smith, Councillor Tony Smith & Ron Green


Matters Arising from Minutes of last Meeting, Including Area Co-ordinators Report: pdf icon PDF 384 KB


Andy Brannan informed the meeting that the updates from the previous minutes were on Page 10 of the briefing pack.


2.1  (P11) Councillor Peter Reisdorf explained that his surgeries were held at Greasby Library.

2.2  (P11) It was asked when the yellow lines would be re-painted.  The bad weather over the winter has caused delays in the re-painting.  Any information on dates will be passed on as soon as they are confirmed.


Andy Brannan informed the meeting, that there is funding available for Grit Bins to be sited at various residential locations.  There is a scheme to nominate roads.  He asked the members of the meeting to complete the forms provided with their nominations and leave them on the top table at the end of the meeting.


Q.  2 bins on Manor Road have gone missing and of yet have not been replaced.

A.  Awaiting to hear what is happening with these bins.


Q.  Will the nomination forms be available at other places around Wirral?

A.  There will be a press release and the forms will be placed in Community Centres and libraries.  The closing date is 18th March 2011.




Census 2011:


The Census is a survey completed every 10 years.  It is a compulsory survey to find out the needs of people in Wirral.  It will provide information in order to resource ambulances, police, hospitals, schools and care homes. 


The information is based on numbers and not individual names.


The census will be posted out to Wirral residents or it can be completed on line.



Parks & Countryside Services Procurement Exercise:


Jim Lester, Head of Cultural Services updated the Forum on the progress of the move to a single service provider for the Parks and Countryside Service. 

Mr Lester explained that the following will not be included in the process:


Buildings (Except depots)

Hard Landscapes

Landican Cemetery

Tammy Shanter Farm

Beach Patrol

Golf Professionals


The whole process should deliver savings and improve services.


If there are any requests or complaints regarding parks, there is now a central number to ring – 0151 606 2004.


Q.  How many departments are you covering in your job and how many are going to contractors?

A.  Mr Lester is Head of Cultural Services, Technical Services Department.  His responsibilities are Parks and Open Spaces, Museums and Leisure Centres

  Approximately 170 staff will transfer over to the new single provider.


Q.  What will happen to the staff that transfer over?

A.  The law says that the staff will transfer over with the same conditions under TUPE.


Q  What is happening to the sports activities in the parks (e.g. Tennis courts)?

A.  The same arrangements will continue.  Bookings will be taken via Wirral Council.  There may some changes and hopefully some improvements.  It will be a 10 year contract, so there is room for investment for the contractor.  For example: Trained staff and to develop the service.


Q.  Are you involved in the negotiations over Tranmere Rovers?

A.  Mr Lester is not involved with the negotiations.  It is other colleagues that are involved.  Tranmere Rovers are in discussion with the Local Authority, and facts and figures on Woodchurch Leisure Centre have been provided.


Q.  Where are the goal posts in Coronation Park?

A.  There have been extensive improvements taking place in the park, but due to the bad weather this has delayed the work.  The goal posts will be replaced and the work will be finished off as soon as the weather improves.


Q.  When the Pavilion’s re-furbishment has been completed, what will stop it from being vandalised again?

A.  There have been proposals submitted for lighting.  It will be protected as best as it can be.  It was stated that it was an electrical fault that caused the fire and then it was vandalised. There were no problems at the Pavilion before the fire happened.


Q.  Why do the staff cutting the grass on the verges blow the cut grass into the gutter and this then blocks the drains – this is the case in Greasby.

A.  The cut grass should be left on the verge.  This is a practical problem and the costs are too high to provide a vacuum.


Q.  Do the golf courses make a profit?

A.  They are doing OK.  The golf courses will be staying with the local authority, but the maintenance of the courses will be going to the new contractor.


Q.  Can the work force put a bid in?

A.  No they are unable to put a bid in.











Public Question Time:


The cable link for Scottish Power from Scotland to Connah’s Quay will pass through Wirral.  It looks like Greasby and Frankby will be the area affected.  For more information, ask for the telephone number at the end of the meeting.


Q.  During the winter period, Escolme Drive is particularly dangerous due to the surface on the road and it becomes very slippy in the icy weather.  The road is busy with school access and accidents are waiting to happen.

A.  This issue will be put forward to see if the road can be gritted by the proper gritter.  This information will be taken back and any responses will be reported back to Andy Brannan.


Q.  Concerning the recent press release regarding Tranmere Rovers – Where do the proposals stand in view of potential takeover talks?

A.  The Councillors are speaking to Tranmere Rovers, and there will be consultations with the public.  It was stated that if the land at Woodchurch is developed as Tranmere’s training pitch, then it would still remain for community use. There is more information on page 13 of the local updates.


Q.  There are concerns if there is a buy out from Tranmere Rovers.  What comes of centre if there is a buy out?

A.  Tranmere Rovers want to improve the area, but it will remain 40% community use.


Q.  How much are Tranmere Rovers paying?

A.  They are still in discussions and are unsure of the amount yet.


Q.  Arrowe Park Hospital - The council gave the hospital some land on the right hand side of the hospital, with the intention not to charge for parking.  Is this correct?

A.  There are 500 public car park spaces and half of these are free to patients.  The car park behind the nurse’s quarters is a free car park, and the 1st 20 minutes is free.  Information regarding this issue will be sought and reported back to Andy Brannan.



Area Forum Partner Updates:


Community Safety Team


For a more detailed report, see pages 35 – 36


  • The police have been working in partnership with the Community Safety Team, to help with young people in the local parks...
  • Packs of water have been issued to safety officers, to help deal with small fires in parks.
  • Dog Fouling initiative – over 60,000 bags have been issued.


Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust


For a more detailed report, see pages 29 – 33


In addition to the report it was reported that staff have worked really hard and coped extremely well during the difficult winter period and the increase in the flu viruses.


Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service


For a more detailed report, see pages 17 – 19


It was reported that 250 tons of bon fire materials were removed before bonfire night.  23,000 safety leaflets were distributed and schools were targeted in this campaign.


There has been approval for a pilot scheme to take place to recruit Fire Cadets, based at Wallasey Fire Station.


NHS Wirral


For a more detailed report, see pages 19 -20.




Jean Robinson (Overchurch Residents Association) reported that the new fence is completed at the woodlands area and she wanted to thank everyone for their support.


John Smith (Greasby Community Association) reported on the following:

  • The Greasby Messenger is available – anyone from Irby can add to it.
  • The Council Cabinet has given their approval for the business plan for the Greasby Community Centre to go over to the community. 


Merseyside Police


Sergeant Mark Roberts (Upton Police Station) reported on the following:


  • There has been good feedback on the speeding campaign.  13 tickets have been issued around Arrowe Park Road and Mill Lane area.
  • There has been alcohol seized due to antisocial behaviour and there has been a conviction.


Q.  In The Spinney, youths are causing a problem for the residents.

A.  This information will be taken back to the Police Station.


Q.  The new police website has raised that there have been 34 incidents around the Sainsbury’s roundabout.  (Antisocial behaviour, burglaries)

A.  There have been calls to the Sainsbury’s Car Park.  It is hoped that cameras will be fitted in this area.


Wirral Older People’s Parliament


For a more detailed report, see pages 21 – 26


There will be a Conference this year taking place on 26th & 27th May 2011 at the Floral Pavilion


Q.  Is the Older Peoples Parliament dealing with the closures of care homes in Wirral?

A.  Yes, this is all detailed in the Older Peoples Parliament report.


Street Scene


For a more detailed report, see page 27


Q.  Is the Home Watch Scheme still running?

A.  Yes, this is part of Community Safety Team – For more details contact Mike Collins.