
Venue: Meadowside School, Pool Lane, Woodchurch, Wirral CH45 5LA

Contact: Andy Brannan  Community Engagement Officer

No. Item


Welcome, Introductions and Apologies

The Chair, Councillor Tony Smith welcomed the Forum members and15 members of the public to the Greasby, Frankby, Irby & Woodchurch Area Forum meeting held at Meadowside School, Moreton


Apologies have been received by Inspector Brian Griffiths

Ron Green

Councillor Tony Cox


Councillor Tony Smith also welcomed David Bevington as the newly elected Community Representative.



Area Co-ordinator's Report, including matters arising from previous meeting

Julia Hassall, Acting Director of Children’s and Young Peoples Department read a statement regarding the freeze of non-essential spending due to the Councils £17million over-spend.  The Neighbourhood Funding will be suspended until the Council are in a better position to make recommendations to Council Cabinet meeting


Andy Brannan gave an update on the ‘What Really Matters’ Consultation including the up to date figures on completed questionnaires. The Council has to save £100 million over the next 3 years.  The closing date of the consultation is Friday.


Michelle Davies, Customer Service, Finance Department gave a presentation on the changes to the Council Tax Benefit. In April 2013, as part of the Welfare Reforms, the Council Tax Benefit will be abolished, but it will be replaced by a local scheme.

As part of the new local scheme, the benefit will be available for Elderly Persons, and the vulnerable.  In Wirral, there are 19,000 claimants for Council Tax Benefit, with the changes; people of working age may have to now start paying who haven’t paid before.


Questions were asked on the definition of vulnerable people, why the changes are being made and what will the changes make to taxes such as the bedroom tax and Working Tax Credits.



Public Question Time

Questions were asked on


-The Shop Fund Money was issued, but as yet the shop has not opened.

A.  There has been a problem with the structure of the building which has caused this to be delayed.  They need to find a new shop.  Andy Brannan will give a written response.


-Greasby library has not been mentioned in the Council Tax consultation.

A.  This will be checked and will report back.


-Bonfire Removal Number – 0800 731 5958 – Use this number to report any materials that could be used for bonfires.  Last year 65 tons of material was removed. There are organised Bonfire Displays and also Wirral Partnership Homes will be doing a display at the Ridgeway Site.




-Andy Brannan will provide a written update on the question around how the empty shop funding is being spent and why Greasby Library was not mentioned in the council tax consultation booklet


-The police to look into the issue raised around no one attending a call made by a Woodchurch resident reporting an incident.



Area Plan Update


Area Forum Partner Updates


Sergeant Kerri Ward gave a report on a number of problem areas at the moment including Eltham Green and Hoole Road, Woodchurch, parking around the schools in Greasby and an increase in burglaries in the Greasby, Upton and Prenton area. 


Fire Service

Lisa Hogan gave an update on the recent fire statistics and encouraged anyone who sees an illegal bonfire to ring the fire, police or council who can remove before bonfire night itself.


Community Patrol

Ian Lowrie gave an update on the crime statistics in the area including a decrease in vehicle crime which is down by 16% and other crime is down by 21%.


With the You Decide Funding, Irby Village has had a CCTV fitted for the next 6-9 months.




-There has been no response from the police to 2 reported calls so why should residents feel they can call the police for help?

The police will liaise with the resident after the forum and get the details of the call to look into it.


Community News

Dave Bevington is the new Community Representative for the Woodchurch Area and gave an update on some of the work going on in the area.


John Smith, Greasby Community Representative reported on the plans for the new Sainsbury’s and Vets4pets have been agreed.  The next stage to try and stop the build going ahead is the High Court. Greasby Community Centre is thriving and the bookings have increased considerably.




Any Other Business


Future meetings / Presentations

February 13th


Venue to be confirmed


Councillor Tony Smith thanked everyone for attending.