Agenda and minutes

Venue: Rock Ferry Community Centre

Contact: Andy Brannan  Area Forum Co-ordinator

No. Item


Welcome, Introductions and Apologies


The Chair, Councillor P Davies, welcomed forum members and 50

members of the public to the public forum meeting.  Apologies were received from Cllr Jean Stapleton. The Chair informed the forum of a change in format – there will be a funding roadshow with exhibition stands at the end and a drumming demonstration from a group funded through the area forum.  Partners will not be giving a verbal update and have also been asked to bring along exhibition stands so people will have an opportunity to visit their stands at the end. He invited the forum members to introduce themselves.




Area Co-ordinator's Report (Including matters arising from previous meeting) pdf icon PDF 3 MB


Area Service Co-ordinator, Andy Brannan thanked everyone for attending and informed them that copies of the report were available which included minutes from previous meeting starting on page 4  which were very detailed and matters arising from the previous meeting start on page 13.  He added that he would be happy to deal with any queries at the end of the meeting or alternatively his contact details are included on the report. 


Minute Decision update: Lead Officer, David Ball reported that the update on disabled access at Hamilton Square and Rock Ferry train station is in the process of being completed and it would be brought to the next meeting. This also applies to the Carbon reduction update will be circulated within the next few weeks. 



Public Question Time


The Chair asked if people could say their name before asking a question.


3.1) – Pauline Kirwan – the proposal to merge Park High and Rock Ferry high school is giving people concerns on accessibility?


Chair – the formal process of establishing an Academy is at the feasibility stage.  There will be an opportunity to express concerns as there will be a meeting at the schools and everyone is welcome.  There has been no final decision made yet. 


Peter Exley – Can we have it dated in the minutes when we know then?


3.2) - Martin Hesketh (Chair of Viking Youth Club) – we have a building that facilitates office space and tea and coffee area and it is not being used.  Developers are going to Byrne Avenue to duplicate what we have already.  I would just like it minuted what we have to offer. 


3.3) – Hugh Langford – With regards to the disabled access at Hamilton Square station the Tranmere access to the Train Station in Green Lane is worse in my opinion.  There are no lifts and no disabled access.


Chair – We also need to add Green Lane as a concern.


David Ball – we have a meeting with Merseytravel in the next few weeks so I will mention it. 


3.4) - Dave Pearson  (Honorary Treasurer for Jo Jo’s club ) -  I would like to thank everyone who helped us with funding.  Our ‘Love to Learn’ programme received funding and the kids have done an awful lot.  The funding is much appreciated however, what can be done to increase funding?


Chair – funding is never easy.  We are coming into difficult times at the moment but we are lobbying hard to try and increase funding.  Testimonials like yours do help.


3.5) – Becky (Forum Housing) – Can we secure any funding to assist with anti social behaviour and educational needs for our tenants to further their future.  People think we are a nuisance but there a lot of our tenants who actually want to learn. 


Andy Brannan – we will speak at the end as I need to know what you are doing. A meeting has been arranged, any progress on this issue will be fed back to the forum.

Ian Lowrie –This is also an issue that the Community Safety Team could assist with.


3.6) – Peter Barnett – The pot holes around Clifton Road and Clifton Park are terrible and not due to the bad weather, they have been there for years.  I have tripped over them before now.  – Roads have been getting fixed for 10 years.  People will end up suing the Council.


Gary Cummings – I will get an Inspector out tomorrow to have a look. The problem is when a pothole is repaired it doesn’t always to alleviate the problem as the whole road needs to be repaired.


Peter Barnett – Can we look into a different venue for the forum as well?


Chair – we will look  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.