
Venue: Bedford Drive Primary School, Birkenhead, Wirral CH42 6RT

Contact: Andy Brannan  Community Engagement Officer

No. Item


Welcome, Introductions and Apologies

Cllr C Meaden welcomed the Forum members and22 members of the public to the forum meeting held at Bedford Road Primary School.


Apologies were received by Councillor J Stapleton, P Davies, B Davies and Geoff Dormond



What Really Matters and Council Tax consultation

Andy Brannan gave a presentation and up to date information on the What Really Matters Consultation, how many questionnaires had been completed and the purpose of the consultation.


Questions were asked on where the questionnaires have been advertised and the numbers of people expected to get involved with the consultation.


Neil Powell from the Council’s Finance Dep gave an overview of the Council Tax Consultation, why it is being undertaken and how the results will be used.  Questions were asked to clarify some of the definitions around the term vulnerable adult.



Public Question Time

Questions were asked around:


-The road safety issues along Cavendish Drive, especially with cars parking close to the junctions when Tranmere Rovers are playing at home


-The future development of the Technology Academy at the old Rock Ferry High School site.


-HGV trailers causing problems around Hamilton Square, both with parking issues and crashing into the rails now the square has been opened up both ways


-The election process around appointing the Police Crime Commissioner




-The road safety issues along Cavendish Drive, especially with cars parking close to the junctions when Tranmere Rovers are playing at home. Cavendish Drive will receive road safety measures from the Road Safety Fund and the police will look into the problem with cars parking close to the junctions at Tranmere games


-HGV trailers causing problems around Hamilton Square.


-An update on the Technology Academy to be presented to the February forum



Partner Updates

Community Safety:


Steve Preston gave information on the issues around bonfire night and a freephone for residents can call if they are concerned about anyone building an illegal bonfire. The Council’s Dog Fouling Team has recently expanded and the team now also has powers around litter enforcement.


Ian Lowrie gave current crime statistics around theft from motor vehicle and the hate crime week.


Merseyside Police:


Chris Everett from Well Lane Police Station encouraged people to raise issues with the police as they need the information to be able to track hot spot areas.


Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service:


Ian Hardman advised that the Fire Service have been liaising with young people in the area and the increased partnership working has lead to a reduction in fires in the forum area.


Questions were asked around the help and support available to older people to help reduce the risk of fire and gas leaks.



Future Meetings / Presentations

February 2013.   Venue: To be arranged



Any Other Business