Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 1 - Wallasey Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Andrew Mossop  Senior Committee Officer

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to consider whether they have personal or prejudicial interests in connection with any item(s) on this agenda and, if so, to declare them and state what they are.


Members are reminded that they should also declare, pursuant to paragraph 18 of the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules, whether they are subject to a party whip in connection with any item(s) to be considered and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of the whipping arrangement.



Members were asked to consider whether they had a personal or prejudicial interest in any matters to be considered at the meeting and, if so, to declare them and state what they were. Members were reminded that they should also declare, pursuant to paragraph 18 of the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules, whether they were subject to a party whip in connection with any matter to be considered and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of the whipping arrangement.


The following declarations were made:


Councillor McLaughlin – a personal interest in minute 19 by virtue of her being a patient at this practice.


Councillor Teggin – a personal interest in minute 19 by virtue of him being a patient at one of the practices referred to in the report.


Diane Hill - a personal interest in minute 19 by virtue of him being a patient at one of the practices referred to in the report.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 91 KB

To receive the minutes of the meeting of the Health and Well Being Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 22 June, 2009.



Members were requested to receive the minutes of the meeting of the Health and Well Being Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 22 June, 2009.


In respect of minute 4, Terms of Reference, the Chair reported that some comments had been made on the terms of reference and these should be recorded and referred to Cabinet for proposed amendment:


Paragraph 4:

Social inclusion and to promote the role of the local authority, working with the NHS community on Wirral, to improve Public Health and well-being and to address health inequalities. (This sentence needed to be put into better English).


Paragraph 13:

To support the Council’s equal opportunity policies by promoting and monitoring initiatives to encourage equality of opportunity amongst disadvantaged groups. (Delete all the wording at the end of this paragraph: “including: the disabled, ethnic minorities, the long-term unemployed, the poor, and women”) [This would apply to all portfolios]


In respect of minute 13, Dementia Scrutiny Review – Progress Report, Councillor Teggin referred to the fact that he was now also a member of the Review Panel.


Resolved – That subject to the above amendments, the minutes be approved as a correct record and the proposed amendments be referred to Cabinet for consideration.


North West Ambulance Service

Dave Kitchen, Head of Service for NWAS (Cheshire and Merseyside) and Julie Treharne, Communications Lead (Cheshire and Merseyside) will give a presentation to the Committee.


Dave Kitchen, Head of Service for North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) (Cheshire and Merseyside) and Asiya Jelani, Head of Communications, NWAS (Cheshire and Merseyside) gave a presentation to the Committee on areas for potential scrutiny including:


  • Implementation of Taking Healthcare to the Patient.
  • Electronic Patient Records - this was now likely to be in the next financial year.
  • Estates Strategy – the Trust was currently reviewing its existing estates and further reports would be brought back once more detailed plans had been developed.
  • Foundation Trust status – consultation would start in January 2010


They also reported upon an inspection in July of the NWAS’ infection control procedures by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to ensure that the service was in adherence with the Health and Social Act 2006. A warning notice had been issued by CQC on cleanliness, followed up with an inspection report which outlined specific areas where the Trust clearly had to make improvements. The issue had been given utmost priority by the Board and they gave details of all the measures put in place, including the deep cleaning of all vehicles, and an ongoing regular programme of deep cleaning of ambulances throughout the year.


Both Dave Kitchen and Asiya Jelani responded to questions from the Committee and made the following comments:


-  42 new advanced paramedics were being recruited, 14 of whom would be based in the Cheshire / Merseyside area.

-  They outlined the 2 methods of training that were available for paramedics.

-  In respect of the Foundation Trust proposal, the NWAS would welcome feedback from Members on where Council of Governors’ meetings should be held and how they could be organised with the NWAS covering a large geographical area.

-  The Patient Advice Liaison Service was available for any complaints that patients might need to make.

-  Staff were trained to carry out dynamic risk assessments when attending calls.


Resolved –


(1) That the presentation be noted and Committee members inform the Chair or Director of any suggestions or comments with regard to consultation on the Foundation Trust proposal.


(2) That the NWAS be invited to report back to a meeting of this Committee in the New Year.


Order of Business


The Chair agreed to vary the order of business and consider item 9 (Proposal for the Modernisation and Development of Primary Care Facilities in NHS Wirral) next.


Proposal for the Modernisation and Development of Primary Care Facilties in NHS Wirral: Public Consultation - Outcome of the Proposal to Relocate Greenway Road Surgery to the St Catherine's Development pdf icon PDF 95 KB


The Director of Primary Care and Provider Services, NHS Wirral, John South, submitted a report on the results of the consultation which had been undertaken on the proposal to relocate Greenway Road Surgery to the St Catherine’s Development.


Greenway Road Surgery was situated approximately half a mile from the St Catherine’s site, where it was originally based. It had been at its current location for 8 years. Whilst the practice building remained fit for purpose, there was little room for expansion to meet the practice’s growing aspirations. Relocation to the new Development would afford the practice the opportunity to work alongside a range of healthcare services, providing a one-stop-shop facility to its patients. It would retain an identity separate to the other GP Practice coming onto the site, Victoria Park Health Centre, but would have the benefit of shared facilities, such as Minor Surgery rooms, and training suites.


The majority of responses to the consultation (76%) were in favour of relocation and the NHS Wirral Board had considered the matter at its meeting on 8 September and approved the proposal.


Responding to members’ comments, both Kathy Doran, Chief Executive, NHS Wirral and John South, informed the Committee that no problems with car parking were envisaged as 300 administrative staff were due to move from the St Catherine’s site, to a new site in the centre of Birkenhead. A pharmacy would also be sited on the St Catherine’s site.


Resolved –


(1) That the Committee notes the consultation on proposals to relocate Greenway Road Surgery to the St Catherine’s Development.


(2) That the Committee endorses the decision of NHS Wirral to relocate this Surgery, following the positive response from the patients of this Practice.


Health Inequalities Plan pdf icon PDF 78 KB


Further to minute 75 (25/3/09 – Social Care, Health and Inclusion Overview and Scrutiny Committee) Marie Armitage, Joint Director of Public Health, submitted a report and Sue Drew, Deputy Joint Director of Public Health gave a presentation to the Committee on the interim progress which had been made from April to August, 2009 with the Wirral Health Inequalities Plan. The Plan had been approved by Cabinet, Wirral Strategic Partnership and NHS Wirral Professional Executive Committee and from October, quarterly monitoring reports would be produced.


She gave details of progress on implementing actions that would impact on health inequalities in the short (2011), medium (2013) and long term (2025). These included reducing obesity, increasing smoking cessation, particularly amongst the black and minority ethnic community, and cardio-vascular disease health checks for everyone aged 40 to 74.


Responding to comments from members, Sue Drew reported that the age groups for CVD health checks were 40-74 as this was beneath the age at which services would be expected to be in place and there was a need to reach people not ordinarily targeted. She also outlined the differences between overweight and obese and emphasised the need to educate from a very early age the benefits of healthy eating and physical activity.


Resolved –


(1) That the progress made since April 2009 to implement The Plan be noted.


(2) That further reports be made available once the formal quarterly reports are produced from October 2009.


Transforming Adult Social Services - An Overview and Update pdf icon PDF 112 KB

Additional documents:


The Director of Adult Social Services submitted a report which gave an update on the transformation of Adult Social Services in Wirral specifically focussing on Options for Change – Towards a Strategy for Care Services.  The report provided details on the communication and consultation activity following the Cabinet decision on 23 July 2009 (minute 54 refers) which included 5 briefing sessions across localities, an advocacy briefing, a stakeholders’ briefing and all staff receiving a personal letter from the Director informing them that the report was being presented to Cabinet. The report to Cabinet and the consultation paper were also appended to the report.


A seminar for members had been arranged for 29 October 2009 to provide information on progress being made on the personalisation agenda, including a move to providing personal budgets to individuals.


With the permission of the Chair, the Cabinet member addressed the Committee and stated that the personalisation of services was going to happen on Wirral and across the country. The only decision made so far on the process was for a clear and thorough consultation process to be undertaken.


The Chair suggested that members could make any comments on the process directly to the Director and if members were aware of any groups who should be involved there was a need to ensure they were participating.


Resolved –


(1) That the report be noted.


(2) That the Committee notes the date of the Personalisation Seminar on 29 October 2009.


Quarter One Performance Report - April to June 2009/2010 pdf icon PDF 132 KB


The Director of Adult Social Services gave a presentation and submitted an overview of progress made against the indicators for 2009/2010 and key projects which were relevant to the Health and Well-Being Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The report set out that overall performance against the 2009/10 projects relevant to the Health and Well-Being Overview and Scrutiny Committee was good.


Four projects were assessed as green (all milestones that should have been met at this point had been met). Six projects were assessed as amber and two as red, (critical milestones missed/serious slippage). Corrective action to bring amber and red projects back on track was detailed in the report.


He reported that the quarter one projection indicated an overspend of £2.3 million with action plans in place for further efficiencies to reduce this to £1.1 million. Although recent activity showed that this position might deteriorate. Efficiency targets for 2010/11 were likely to be between £2m - £2.7m and in 2011-14 estimates for efficiencies would be £7.39m each year.


The Director and Head of Access and Assessment, responding to questions from members explained the use of some of the performance indicators, particularly in relation to the Home Assessment Re-ablement Team (HART). There was also some discussion on the need for better provision for dementia sufferers in helping them to remain independent. The Director agreed that he would circulate his presentation to the Committee members.


Resolved – That the report be noted and a further report be brought to the Committee in the New Year.




Dignity in Care pdf icon PDF 87 KB


The Director of Adult Social Services submitted a report on, Dignity in Care, a national campaign to implement a zero tolerance approach to the abuse of and disrespect towards older people. The report outlined the areas of work Wirral might wish to consider taking forward to measure awareness of the need for respecting people’s dignity.


A number of Councils and NHS Trusts had set up specific initiatives to recruit dignity champions and increase awareness of the importance of respecting people’s dignity. A small task group was to be established across Social Care, Health, LINks and the Older People’s Parliament to develop an action plan for Wirral. Areas which would be considered included:


  • Publicising the Council’s intent
  • Active Media Campaign
  • Include Dignity criteria in contracts for commissioned services
  • Include Dignity challenges as an essential aspect of all job descriptions
  • Seek people to register as Dignity Champions
  • Consider a local Dignity in Care Aware Scheme and Awards for individual staff
  • Link Dignity agenda to personalisation, Adult Protection and equality and diversity agendas
  • Undertake survey / audit of Dignity in Care and develop centres of excellence


Pat Higgins, Assistant Director, Wirral UTH NHS Foundation Trust, informed the meeting that there was a major programme of conversion, currently under way, to single sex wards, not just single sex bays, and she would bring a report on the programme to the next meeting of the Committee.


The Chair suggested that all members of the Committee could register as Dignity Champions and 2 or 3 members of the Committee could also be on the Action Plan Task Group.


Resolved – That the report be noted and any members of the Committee wishing to be Dignity Champions and / or on the Action Plan Task Group notifies the Chair or Director of Adult Social Services.


Review of Meals on Wheels Contract pdf icon PDF 82 KB

Additional documents:


The Director of Adult Social Services submitted a report updating the Committee on the meals-on-wheels contract provided by ICARE since 1 July 2008. The report included details of the number of people receiving meals, numbers of meals delivered, including special meals from 1 July, 2008 to 2 August, 2009. The report also gave details of 2 customer satisfaction surveys which had been carried out.


The Director reported that further work would be undertaken to profile the ethnicity of the people supported and their cultural needs as there appeared to be a zero take up of ‘cultural’ meals.


Resolved – That the report be noted.


Committee Work Programme 2009/2010 pdf icon PDF 69 KB


The Committee received an update on its work programme, which included the proposed outline meeting schedule for the current municipal year, and progress on the in-depth panel review.


The Chair referred to the issue of the alcohol strategy which the Scrutiny Programme Board would be considering at its meeting on 14 September as it was a cross scrutiny committee matter.


The Chair also suggested that an update on the ‘swine flu’ situation be brought to the next meeting.


Resolved – That the report and comments of the Chair be noted.


Co-opted Membership

The Committee will recall that at its meeting on 22 June views were sought as to whether it would wish to extend its co-opted membership. The Committee resolved that the matter be deferred until the next meeting.



Further to minute 6 (22/6/09), the Committee was asked to consider whether it wished to extend its co-opted membership.


The Chair suggested and it was –


RECOMMENDED – That the following three groups be approached and nominations be requested to serve as co-opted members on the Health and Well-Being Overview and Scrutiny Committee:


(i) Black and Minority Ethnic Community

(ii) Service users under the Older People’s Parliament age group

(iii) Carers


and that this suggestion be referred to Council.