Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 3 - Wallasey Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Brian Ellis  Senior Committee Officer

No. Item


Declarations of Interest/Party Whip

Members are asked to consider whether they have personal or prejudicial interests in connection with any item(s) on this agenda and, if so, to declare them and state what they are.

Members are reminded that they should also declare, pursuant to paragraph 18 of the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules, whether they are subject to a party whip in connection with any item(s) to be considered and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of the whipping arrangement.


Members were asked to consider whether they had personal or prejudicial interests in connection with any item(s) on this agenda and, if so, to declare them and state what they were.

Members were reminded that they should also declare, pursuant to paragraph 18 of the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules, whether they were subject to a party whip in connection with any item(s) to be considered and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of the whipping arrangement.  No such declarations were made.




Minutes pdf icon PDF 61 KB

To receive the minutes of the following overview and scrutiny committees:


 Culture Tourism and Leisure (31 March)

 Environment  ( 7 April) 

Housing and Community Safety (19 March)

Streetscene and Transport Services (1 April)

Additional documents:


The Director of Law , HR and Asset Management submitted the minutes of the following overview and scrutiny committees:


 Culture Tourism and Leisure (31 March)

 Environment  ( 7 April) 

Housing and Community Safety (19 March)

Streetscene and Transport Services (1 April)


Resolved –


(1)  That the minutes be received.


(2)  That a summary of outstanding actions arising from the above meetings be prepared for the September meeting of this committee.



Appointment of Vice-Chair

In accordance with minute 4 of Cabinet (12/5/09), the Committee is requested to appoint a Vice-Chair.



In accordance with minute 4 of Cabinet (12/5/09), the Committee was requested to appoint a Vice-Chair.


On a motion by the Chair seconded by Councillor Mitchell it was:


Resolved – That Councillor P Reisdorf be appointed Vice-Chair of this Committee for the current municipal year.




Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 69 KB

The terms of reference are attached for Members’ information.



The terms of reference were submitted for Members’ information.


Resolved – That the terms of reference be noted.




Scrutiny Work Programme 2009-10

The views of the Committee are requested concerning topics to be included in this year's scrutiny work programme.


A paper listing the reports from chief officers on key issues during the year will be circulated separately.



The views of the Committee were requested concerning topics to be included in this year's scrutiny work programme.


A paper listing the reports from chief officers on key issues during the year was circulated separately.


Members raised a number of items for inclusion in the work programme:-


(i)  Golf Courses Security (Councillor J Williams) – September meeting.

(ii)  Recycling of Kitchen Waste (Councillor Redfern) -  January meeting as part of the waste Recycling Update.

(iii)  Interim report on the work of the Flood Working Group (Councillor Moseley) - September meeting.

(iv)  The addition of safety park lighting under the Community Safety item for the March meeting (Councillor Taylor).

(v)  Outstanding actions arising from the last meeting of the former Culture , Tourism and Leisure Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Councillor Hale) - September meeting.

(vi)  Ongoing Road Safety Updates to include details road traffic accidents which are caused by the misuse of alcohol

(Councillor Mitchell).


Resolved – That the supplementary paper listing the reports from chief officers on key issues during the year be amended to include the additional items raised by Members, and that this form the basis of the committee’s work programme for the current municipal year.




Proposed Formation of a Traffic and Highways Representation Panel. pdf icon PDF 97 KB


The Director of Technical Services submitted a report outlining previous practice in handling the receipt of unresolved petitions on highway and traffic matters and objections to Orders advertised under statutory procedures. He referred to the wider remit of this Committee when compared with that of the former Streetscene and Transport Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and reported upon a proposal to establish a Highways and Traffic Representations Panel to deal with  highway and traffic matters and allow the committee more time to concentrate on strategic issues.


Resolved –


(1)  That the Committee note the report and approve the establishment of a Highways and Traffic Representations Panel with the following terms of reference:-


“To consider:


(a) objections relating to all highway and traffic management matters governed by the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, whether subject to a traffic regulation order or otherwise, including (but not limited to) the following:


i  waiting and parking restrictions;

ii  speed limits;

iii  one way traffic orders;

iv  weight limits

v  prohibiting or restricting the use of heavy commercial vehicles;

vi  signalised and non signalised pedestrian/cycle/horse crossings;

vii  provision of off street parking and parking on roads, footpaths, pavements and verges;

viii  traffic signs and traffic signals

ix  bus lanes and taxi ranks


 (b) unresolved petitions relating to highway and traffic management matters in accordance with Standing Order 34 (Petitions)”



(2)  That the membership of the Highways and Traffic Representations Panel in 2009-2010 (including deputies) be as follows:


    Members    Deputies


  1 Labour Councillor    H Smith Chair)    B Kenny

  J Williams




  1 Conservative    T Anderson                                  S Moseley (S)     

  J Hale

  S Taylor


  1 Liberal Democrat    P Reisdorf (S)  D Mitchell

  M Redfern


(3)  That the minutes of the Highways and Traffic Representations Panel be submitted to this Committee for approval.







Guidance for the Scrutiny of Crime and Disorder Matters pdf icon PDF 353 KB

Guidance has been issued by the Home Office regarding the implementation of the Police and Justice Act and the role of this overview and scrutiny committee in relation to the scrutiny of Crime and Disorder Partnerships. The document provides guidance on committee structures (Section 3) and the views of the committee are requested as to how it would wish to undertake the crime and disorder scrutiny role.



The Committee received a Guidance document issued by the Home Office regarding the implementation of the Police and Justice Act and the role of this overview and scrutiny committee in relation to the scrutiny of Crime and Disorder Partnerships.


It was noted that Crime and Disorder items were included in the Committee’s work programme for the current municipal year.


Resolved – That the Guidance document be noted.




Trading Standards Service Delivery Plan pdf icon PDF 127 KB


The Director of Regeneration sought Members endorsement of the Trading Standard Service Delivery Plan, a statutory plan required by the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform.


Resolved – That the Trading Standards Service Delivery Plan for 2008/09 be agreed.





Additional documents:


With the permission of the committee this item was withdrawn.