Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Wallasey Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Mike Jones  Principal Committee Officer


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

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There were no apologies for absence.


Declarations of Interest

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There were no declarations of interests.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 83 KB

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That the minutes of the meeting of the Joint Strategic Commissioning Board held on 9 July 2019 be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Personal Story re: integration

Verbal report

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A video would be circulated to members showing the story of a child in care who had been given opportunity in a landscape maintenance company through his ‘14-19 team’ support and had since been appointed as a team leader. It was noted that in the Wirral there were 840 looked-after children. Partnership working had increased the speed and variety of help available to them.





That the personal story be noted.


Chief Officer's Report

Verbal report

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The Chief Officer of Wirral Health and Care Commissioning and NHS Wirral Clinical Commissioning Groupinformed the Board that recent work had been focussed on developing the five-year strategy for Wirral health and care system with partners. A workshop had been held with members of the Health and Wellbeing Board to production of the strategy.  It is important that a health and care strategy also connected with the work of other partner organisations in Wirral to impact on key determinants in health. The outcomes the strategy sought to deliver would fit into the developing Wirral Plan, within which economic regeneration and growth were key to help bring health improvements across the population of Wirral.


It was proposed to bring a Healthy Wirral strategy to the next Board meeting on 12th November 2019 and then to Health and Wellbeing Board on 13th November 2019 for final approval.




That the Chief Officer’s report be noted.


Refreshing our Strategic Aims pdf icon PDF 144 KB

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The Chief Officer of Wirral Health and Care Commissioning and NHS Wirral Clinical Commissioning Groupintroduced this report.


The Joint Strategic Commissioning Board (JSCB), which was a Committee in Common of Wirral Council and NHS Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), had been meeting since May 2018.  The JSCB was supported by Wirral Health and Care Commissioning (WHCC), which was a strategic partnership between the Council and the CCG.


At the meeting of the JSCB on 28 May 2019 it had been agreed that the strategic aims of the partnership and the Board needed to be updated to reflect changes in the strategic and operating environment. Work had been undertaken within WHCC to develop a shared purpose, mission, vision and aims.  These aligned to the Healthy Wirral system transformation programme and the Wirral 2020 pledges and a workshop had been held with elected members to review the proposed strategic aims. The proposed aims were:


·  Working as One, Acting as One – we will work together with all partners for the benefit of the people of Wirral.

·  Listening to the views of local people – we are committed to working with local people to shape the health and care in Wirral.

·  Improving the health of local communities and people – Wirral had many diverse communities and needs. We recognise this diversity and would help people live healthier lives, wherever they live.

·  Caring for local people in the longer term – we will focus on having high quality and safe services with the best staff to support the future as well as the present.

·  Getting the most out of what we have to spend – we will always seek to get the best value out of the money we receive. 




That the revised strategic aims set out in the report be adopted and that this is reflected in the covering sheet for all subsequent papers to the Board. 


Healthy Wirral Programme Update pdf icon PDF 462 KB

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The Chief Officer of Wirral Health and Care Commissioning and NHS Wirral Clinical Commissioning Groupprovided the update to the Board.


Wirral was expected to establish and implement its plans to achieve the best possible health and wellbeing outcomes for its population within the funding available to the system.  The Healthy Wirral programme was the prime system-wide programme to deliver sustainable and affordable long-term changes to the way that the health and wellbeing of the Wirral Population was supported. The programme had an aim for Wirral residents to live longer and healthier lives by taking simple steps to improve their own health and wellbeing. The report outlined the key actions that had been undertaken up to Summer 2019 and the proposed next steps to progress the Healthy Wirral Programme.


There was a strong governance framework in place which was moving toward creation an integrated care partnership.  There was a five-year strategic plan to return to the Wirral health system to financial balance, including utilising the growth in the allocation to NHS Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group to support this alongside transformational change in service delivery to manage demand and improve primary and community service, prevention and self-care. Considerable work had been done so that Primary Care Networks served the nine neighbourhoods of Wirral.


The report set out highlights from specific work streams within the Healthy Wirral programme. One of the examples given was the Urgent Care work stream, which was focusing partner’s efforts on addressing streaming and triage at the “front door” of Accident and Emergency (A&E) and reducing length of stay through improved discharge.  The work stream was also developing a clinical model to support an Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) on the Arrowe Park Hospital site.  The development of the UTC had been boosted by the recent confirmation of £18m capital funding from the Government.


It was noted that the Wirral Care Record, which included disease and wellness registries and shared healthcare records, would be launched on 11th September 2019.


Financially, the Healthy Wirral partners had submitted to NHS England/Improvement (NHSE/I) a five-year Financial Recovery Plan (FRP).  The FRP focussed on the actions that would be taken to deliver a system deficit of circa £14m in 2019/20.  This was the first year of a five-year plan that would sustainably return the system to financial balance by 2021/22 and subsequently create a surplus by 2023/24.  NHSE/I had subsequently indicated that it was their expectation that the Wirral system delivered the control total surplus of £1.2m, assigned to them by these regulators, by March 2020.


Members commented that the report was very high level and suggested that future reports could include stories that individuals could relate to so they could see what difference was being made.




That the Healthy Wirral programme update be noted.


Pooled Fund Finance Report pdf icon PDF 118 KB

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Mike Treharne, Chief Finance Officer, NHS Wirral CCG and Wirral Health & Care Commissioning, introduced this report which dealt with how risks were mitigated against through arrangements that had been put in place for integrated commissioning. It also set out the proposed budget for 2019/2020 for approval and the risks, challenges and mitigation measures. There was intended to be additional papers in the future with more detail on the risks and mitigations.




the financial position of the pooled fund, as at 30th June 2019, be noted.


the pooled budget for 2019/20 be approved.





Outcomes of Public Health Re-commissioning pdf icon PDF 137 KB

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Public Health Consultant Dr Elspeth Anwar introduced the report which informed the Board of the outcome of the re-commissioning processes for The Healthy Child Programme (Core Service), Community Substance Misuse Services and Community Connectors Services for Wirral. These had been evaluated according to Council procurement rules and approval was sought to engage with the winning contractor to commence the first twelve-month contract, which included clauses to terminate though performance or change in budget.


It was noted that the appendices to the report were in a separate item in the private part of the agenda.



Wirral Borough Council’s three Cabinet Members, sitting as a Committee of the Cabinet, RESOLVED: That the following be agreed:


1)  a five-year contract with the option to extend for a further two one-year periods to the highest scoring tenderer named in appendix 1 to the report to provide The Healthy Child Programme 0-19-year old’s for Wirral Service in compliance with the Contract Procurement Rules.


2)  a five-year contract with the option to extend for a further two one-year periods to the highest scoring tenderer named in appendix 2 to the report to provide Community Substance Misuse Services for Wirral in compliance with the Contract Procurement Rules.


3)  a three-year contract with the option to extend for a further two one-year periods to the highest scoring tenderer named in appendix 3 to the report to provide Community Connectors Services for Wirral in compliance with the Contract Procurement Rules.


Exempt Information - Exclusion of the Press and Public

RECOMMENDATION:  That, under section 100 (A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined by paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A (as amended) to that Act. The Public Interest test has been applied and favours exclusion.

Additional documents:




That, under section 100 (A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined by paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A (as amended) to that Act. The Public Interest test had been applied and favours exclusion.



Outcomes of Public Health Re-commissioning - Exempt Appendices

Exempt appendices for item 9.




That the exempt appendices for the report on the Outcomes of Public Health Re-commissioning be noted.