Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 1 - Wallasey Town Hall. View directions


No. Item



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The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and those watching the webcast.



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The Chair confirmed the apologies of Councillors David Burgess-Joyce and Karl Greaney.




Members of the Committee are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests, in connection with any item on the agenda and state the nature of the interest.

Additional documents:


Members of the Committee were asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests in connection with any item on the agenda and state the nature of the interest.


No such declarations were made.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 205 KB

To approve the accuracy of the minutes of the meeting held on 23 March 2022.

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Resolved – That the accuracy of the minutes of the meeting held on 23 March 2022 be approved with the addition of Councillor D Kenny’s initial.




To approve the accuracy of the minutes of the meetings of the Regulatory Panel held on 11 March and 8 April 2022.

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Resolved – That the accuracy of the minutes of the meetings of the Regulatory Panel held on 11 March and 8 April 2022 be approved.



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The Director of Law and Governance submitted a report in respect of the appointment of Members to the Regulatory Panel and the Charitable Trusts Sub-Committee.


It was reported that the Terms of Reference of the Regulatory and General Purposes Committee as contained in the Council’s Constitution (approved by Council on 25 May 2022), required this Committee to appoint five of its members, politically balanced, to the Charitable Trusts Sub-Committee which has responsibility for discharging the Council’s functions as corporate trustee of The Callister Trust and Wirral Mayor’s Charity.


It was further reported that the Terms of Reference as amended at Council on 6 September 2021 also allowed for the convening of Sub-Committees (Licensing Panels – Regulatory) of between three and five Members of the Regulatory and General Purposes Committee, exempt from political balance but not formed solely by members of one Group, with the responsibility for the Council’s functions to deal with applications, determinations and reviews of licences or registrations and any related matter, in respect of any licensed activity that is the responsibility of the Authority (other than under the Licensing Act 2003 or the Gambling Act 2005).


Members were advised that to allow effective management of applications, etc within relevant statutory timescales or otherwise in a timely manner, where the required decision was outside of officer delegated powers, a Regulatory Panel could be convened consisting of between three and five Members of the Committee to consider and determine the matter.  The setting up and running of Panels is an administrative function managed by the Council’s Democratic Services Team and it was proposed to Members that they delegate authority to the Director of Law and Governance (Monitoring Officer) to convene such Panels as and when required in consultation with the Chair and Spokespersons.


The allocation of five seats on the Charitable Trusts Sub-Committee would be 2 Labour, 2 Conservative and 1 Green and it would be for the political groups to decide who they wished to nominate to the places on the Charitable Trusts Sub-Committee allocated to their group.


Councillor Cooke raised a question as to the possibility of adding another Charitable Trust to support community interests and Members agreed that this be discussed separately with officers.


On a motion by Councillor Mike Collins and seconded by Councillor Dave Mitchell it was –




(1)  That the Terms of Reference of the Charitable Trusts Sub-Committee and the Regulatory Panel as referred to in paragraphs 1.1 and 1.3 of the report be noted.


(2)  That the Director of Law and Governance (Monitoring Officer) be authorised to carry out the wishes of the Group Leaders in allocating Members to membership of the Charitable Trusts Sub-Committee.


(3)  That the Director of Law and Governance (Monitoring Officer) be delegated authority, in consultation with the Chair and Spokespersons, to convene Licensing Panels (Regulatory) as and when required for the purposes of carrying out the Council’s functions to deal with applications, determinations and reviews of licences or registrations, and any related  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Request to use the Wirral Coat of Arms pdf icon PDF 207 KB

Additional documents:


The Head of Democratic and Member Services submitted a report in respect of a request received by the Mayor from Tim Mallion, Club Secretary to the Tricolore Great Britain Limited – Ducati Owners Club Great Britain, to use the Council’s Coat of Arms to highlight the Wirral Branch of the National Club and help promote the Wirral at national motorcycle events.


The Principal Democratic and Member Services Officer reported that the Wirral Branch had been established over ten years ago, and comprises sixty-one members, the majority of whom reside in or around the Wirral.  The Club meet regularly and at the time the report had been submitted had a full diary of events for 2022 and holds many charity events such as the Wirral Ducati Owners Club bike show held at the Swinging Arm pub in Birkenhead. Local bikers were invited to attend the show and prizes were awarded for their bikes etc. Monies were raised through a variety of raffle items which are then donated to Claire House and other local children's charities.


Members were informed that the Club regularly takes part in both Wirral Egg Runs, one at Christmas and one for Easter, and other branches from all over the UK had been invited to join the Wirral Branch on Sunday 3rd of April for the Egg Run to Clatterbridge Hospital at which ninety members had been expected to attend.  The Wirral Branch attended shows all over the UK and this year a trip had been planned to Italy for World Ducati Week in Misano July, and as stated, by inviting other branches to events the club wished to continue to promote examples of what the Wirral has to offer.


Members were advised that the club would like to utilise the Coat of Arms on clothing and badges to be worn at National Club events to aid promotion of the Wirral Branch of the club and encourage other branches to visit Wirral and to enjoy the varied attractions and locations of interest.


The Chair and Councillor Dave Mitchell announced that they fully supported the request made as they believed this would highlight Wirral.


Members discussed the issue of whether any other groups might request to use the Wirral Coat of Arms and the requirement of any such requests to be brought to this Committee.  Discussions also took place in respect of the environment and issues in respect of the impact on the emission of Greenhouse gases.


The Chair thanked Patrick Sebastian, Principal Democratic and Member Services Officer for the report and wished him all the best for his impending retirement.


On a motion by Councillor Dave Mitchell and seconded by Councillor Chris Cooke, it was –


Resolved – That the request for the use of the Council’s Coat of Arms by the Tricolore Great Britain Limited – Ducati Owners Club Great Britain (Wirral Branch) be agreed.