Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 1 - Wallasey Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Anne Beauchamp
No. | Item |
APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR Minutes: Nominations for Chair were requested.
Councillor Karl Greaney was nominated by Councillor Dave Mitchell and seconded by Councillor Chris Davies.
There were no other nominations so Councillor Karl Greaney was declared Chair of the meeting. |
MEMBERS' CODE OF CONDUCT - DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members of the Licensing Panel are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary and non pecuniary interests, in connection with any application on the agenda and state the nature of the interest. Minutes: The Chair asked for declaration of any interests in the matter to be discussed.
No interests were declared. |
Minutes: The Chair introduced all attendees at the meeting and welcomed them. He confirmed that all papers had been circulated and there were no new papers or evidence to be introduced.
The Licensing Manager introduced the report which was to consider a Temporary Event Notice regarding Sue’s Bar in Argyle Street Birkenhead to allow licensable activities to take place between 10.00am on Monday 26 December 2022 and 4.00am on Tuesday 27 December 2022.
The proposed premises user explained to the Licensing Panel the measures they had put in place since Merseyside Police had raised concerns regarding the premises. These included terminating the sale of alcohol at 3.15am, making regular checks in the toilets and upgrading the CCTV system. The Licensing Panel were advised that problems did occur outside of the premises but that these were due to the lack of taxis and people not being able to disperse from the premises quickly. The Licensing Panel were advised that should the premises be allowed to carry out licensable activities in accordance with the Temporary Event Notice the premises would operate with the level of staffing that normally work on a Friday and Saturday and that this would include 3 doorstaff.
The proposed premises user was questioned about the detail of the actions taken.
Merseyside Police highlighted incidents from the records provided to the Licensing Panel, advising the Panel that they had concerns that should the premises operate under the terms of the Temporary Event Notice the licensing objective of preventing crime and disorder would be undermined and the safety of the public would be put at risk. The Licensing Panel were also informed of a warning letter that had been issued to the premises due to them not complying with the conditions of their premises Licence in respect of CCTV. The Panel were advised by the premises that in response to the warning letter the CCTV at the premises had been upgraded but it was unknown as to whether it was recording for 31 days as this period of time had not lapsed since the upgrade had been carried out. Merseyside Police advised the Panel that they had general concerns regarding the management of the premises and that the premises was their second highest in respect of premises that had incidents of alcohol related crime and disorder recorded against them.
The proposed premises user challenged the evidence provided by Merseyside Police and highlighted incidents that were recorded against the premises that should not have been attributed to the operation of the premises.
Members then retired to deliberate the decision.
Resolved: That a Counter Notice be issued in respect of the Temporary Event Notice for Sue’s Bar for 26 and 27 December 2022. |