Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 1 - Birkenhead Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Mike Jones, Principal Democratic Services Officer Tel: 0151 691 8363 Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome and introduction Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone and read the webcast notice.
PRESENT: Cllr Jean Robison Chair Mark Armstrong Magenta Living Simon Banks Director of Place (Wirral), NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Dave Bradburn Director of Public Health Wirral Council Cllr Phil Gilchrist Wirral Council Cllr Jeff Green Wirral Council Graham Hodkinson Director of Adults and Care, Wirral Council Adrian Jones Department for Work and Pensions Cllr Kieran Murphy Wirral Council Cllr Sue Powell-Wilde Wirral Council Kirsteen Sheppard Healthwatch Wirral Claire Wedge Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from: Abel Adegoke Primary Care Council Julie Grey Clatterbridge Cancer Centre Dave Hammond Wirral Community Health and Care Louise Healey Department for Work and Pensions Sir David Henshaw Wirral University Teaching Hospital Andy Lomas Magenta Living Matthew Moscrop Merseyside Police Councillor Amanda Onwuemene Wirral Council Simone White Director of Children Services, Wirral Council.
Declarations of Interests Members of the Board are asked whether they have any personal or prejudicial interests in connection with any application on the agenda and, if so, to declare them and state the nature of the interest. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interests.
To approve the accuracy of the minutes of the meeting held on 20 July 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board on 20 July 2023 be agreed as a correct record.
Public and Member Questions Additional documents: Minutes: No questions, statements or petitions were received.
BETTER CARE FUND (BCF) PLAN 2023/25 PDF 319 KB The Appendix to this item may not be suitable to view for people with disabilities, users of assistive technology or mobile phone devices.?Please contact if you would like this document in an accessible format. Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Integrated Services presented the report of the Director of Care and Health which provided a summary of the proposed content of the Better Care Fund (BCF) Plan for 2023/25. It described how the plan would achieve the Government’s priorities for 2023/25 and support the ambitions of the Healthy Wirral Plan. It set out the detail of the budget areas to be pooled in 2023/24 as part of the mandatory Section 75 agreement with the Integrated Care Board.
Members noted that there would be engagement with the Board over the developing plans and they discussed aspects of the focus on neighbourhoods, such as leadership, boundaries, funding and links with other Plans.
Resolved: That 1. the content of the BCF Plan for 2023/25 (the BCF 2023/25 Plan was approved by the NHSE in August) be approved and validated. 2. the Board be assured that the plan will achieve the government’s priorities for 2023/25 and support the ambitions of the Healthy Wirral Plan 3. the detail of the budget areas to be pooled in 2023/24 as part of the mandatory Section 75 agreement with the Integrated Care Board be noted. |
Minutes: The Director of Place (Wirral) for NHS Cheshire and Merseyside introduced his report which provided the latest ratified minutes of the Wirral Place Based Partnership Board.
Members queried the detail on some items and discussed the value of approving minutes. Officers offered to consider focussing on programme delivery progress.
Resolved: That the minutes of the Wirral Place Based Partnership Board held on 22nd June 2023 be noted and the approved minutes of the meeting held on 27th July 2023 be requested when available. |
HEALTHWATCH WIRRAL UPDATE SEPT 2023 PDF 302 KB The Appendix to this item may not be suitable to view for people with disabilities, users of assistive technology or mobile phone devices.?Please contact if you would like this document in an accessible format.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Business Development & Volunteer Manager of Healthwatch Wirral presented this report which shared the emerging trends and themes gathered from public views and personal experiences relating to health and care. An overview of the background to Healthwatch Wirral was also given.
Members noted that key concerns of users were communication with professionals, access to dental care and appointments.
Resolved: That the report be noted. |
CHESHIRE AND MERSEYSIDE JOINT FORWARD PLAN 2023-28 PDF 553 KB A diagram and the appendix in this report may not be suitable to view for people with disabilities, users of assistive technology or mobile phone devices.?Please contact neilevans@nhs.netif you would like this document in an accessible format. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Associate Director of Strategy and Collaboration at Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board introduced this report which provided an update on the contents of the Cheshire and Merseyside Joint Forward Plan (2023-28) including priorities for 2023/24. This report also updated the Board in relation to the proposed approach to updating the Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership Strategy and republishing the Joint Forward Plan by March 2024. It was noted that the Plan was the responsibility of the NHS but had to take into account other plans such as the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and the Health Care Partnership Strategy as well as national NHS requirements.
Members queried progress on various initiatives and programmes and the extent of individual responsibility for health.
Resolved: That 1. the Cheshire and Merseyside Joint Forward Plan (2023-28) be noted and it be confirmed that the Joint Forward Plan includes the relevant local priorities contained within the Wirral Health and Wellbeing Strategy. 2. the following proposals be noted: • Cheshire and Merseyside Interim Draft Health and Care Partnership Strategy to be updated to align with the All Together Fairer recommendations and plans even more closely • Cheshire and Merseyside Joint Forward Plan to be produced as a system delivery plan focussing on the updated contents of the Health and Care Partnership Strategy with the additional mandated NHS content produced as an appendix to this Joint Forward Plan. |
Membership of Health and Wellbeing Board PDF 221 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Consultant Lawyer presented the report of the Director of Law and Governance which provided the reviewed the formal membership as contained within the Wirral Council Constitution and propose any amendments to Wirral Council’s Constitution and Standards Committee and then to full Council. Changes were recommended to reflect changes in job titles, the replacement of the Clinical Care Groups with the Integrated Care Board and the disbanding of Local Are teams.
The Chair suggested that a workshop be held to consider whether the correct people and organisations were included in the membership list.
It was noted that on lines 12,13 and 14 it is the Chief Executives of those Trusts who were members and other persons would be added to the Deputies column.
Resolved: That, subject to lines 12,13 and 14 it is the Chief Executives of those Trusts who were members and other persons would be added to the Deputies column, Constitution and Standards Committee be recommended to adopt the revised membership list as provided in Appendix 2 to the report. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Consultant Lawyer presented the report of the Director of Law and Governance which gave the proposed work programme for the following Municipal Year.
Resolved: That subject to workshops being added the proposed Health and Wellbeing Board work programme for the remainder of the 2023/24 municipal year be noted. |