Agenda item

Delegation of Authority for Changes to Staffing Structure (Up to and Including Spinal Column Point 49)


The Director of Law, HR and Asset Management submitted a report which sought approval to grant delegated authority to Chief Officers for any changes to the Council’s staffing structure, including creation and deletion of posts involving employees up to and including Spinal Column Point (SCP) 49 (grade PO14). This would amend the current procedure whereby changes to the staffing structure, including the creation and deletion of posts at any level, were submitted to Employment and Appointments Committee for approval.


The proposed new procedure for the creation, deletion or amendment of posts, would include authorisation from:


·  Chief Officer (relevant department)

·  Director of Finance

·  Head of HR/OD


For proposed changes to the staffing structure to be implemented, authorisation must be obtained from all three Officers. This process would provide a consistent approach and ensure that the Council’s staffing structure continued to be closely managed and provide a robust process for monitoring costs which was critical in the current challenging economic environment.


It was also proposed that should this new procedure be adopted, all vacant posts currently shown on the staffing establishment would be deleted other than by exception as agreed by the relevant Director, Director of Finance and Head of HR/OD.


The Leader of the Labour Group expressed grave concerns that the proposed new procedure would exclude elected Members from some re-structuring of departments.


The Leader of the Council suggested that it would be useful to have regular monitoring reports.


It was moved by Councillor Green and seconded by Councillor Mrs L Rennie, that –


“(1) This Committee recommends Council approve the procedure to grant delegated authority to Chief Officers for any changes to the Council’s staffing structure, including creation, amendment and deletion of posts involving employees up to and including Spinal Column Point (SCP) 49 and to revise the Scheme of Delegation accordingly, with immediate effect, and that regular monitoring reports be brought to this Committee.


(2) All vacant posts currently shown on the staffing establishment would be deleted other than by exception as agreed by the relevant Director, Director of Finance and Head of HR/OD.”


It was moved as an amendment by Councillor P Davies and seconded by Councillor S Foulkes, that –


“(1) This Committee rejects the recommendation, 15.1 in the report, as it will reduce the ability of elected Members to influence decisions on staffing restructures and therefore agrees to retain the status quo.


(2) All vacant posts currently shown on the staffing establishment would be deleted other than by exception as agreed by the relevant Director, Director of Finance and Head of HR/OD.”


The amendment was put and lost (3:5).


The motion was put and carried (5:3).


Resolved (5:3) –


(1) This Committee recommends Council approve the procedure to grant delegated authority to Chief Officers for any changes to the Council’s staffing structure, including creation, amendment and deletion of posts involving employees up to and including Spinal Column Point (SCP) 49 and to revise the Scheme of Delegation accordingly, with immediate effect, and that regular monitoring reports be brought to this Committee.


(2) All vacant posts currently shown on the staffing establishment would be deleted other than by exception as agreed by the relevant Director, Director of Finance and Head of HR/OD.

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