Agenda item

Public Question Time

  • Opportunity to ask questions to any of the forum members


Liscard Traders


On behalf of the Head of Housing & Regeneration David Ball, the Lead Officer, Mark Camborne, read out the following statement:


Liscard Town Centre is one of the most important retail areas in Wirral. However, in recent years, along with a number of other retail areas in Wirral it has begun to experience retail market decline primarily because of the way in which retail market have changed. This includes more out of town shopping centres and the development of internet shopping.  This decline can be seen in the increasing number of vacant shops, the lack of variety and choice in the goods available in shops, an increasing number of charity and low cost shops and issues in the environment of the retail centre. Whilst Liscard centre has these challenges it also has a number of strengths which need to be built upon to address the market decline.


For some time now the Liscard Traders Association, local councillors and officers of the Council have been meeting on a monthly basis to address the detailed retail challenges that Liscard faces. This has included looking in detail at car parking issues, highways issues, signage for the town centre, voucher schemes to encourage more shoppers into the centre, reducing the number of vacant shops, exploring what new retail investment could be attracted to Liscard, exploring the opportunities for inter-trading between businesses in the town centre and looking at marketing and branding.


These actions are now forming an emerging plan for the town centre and will continue to be driven forward over the coming months. The availability of financial grant monies is very constrained but there are a number of improvements which can be made at low or no cost and these are being fully explored at the present time.


The next few months will see a number of these initiatives being developed and the intention is to keep the Area Forum advised of developments. 


Finally, to encourage everyone to consider “shopping local” wherever possible and supporting all of your retail businesses in Liscard Town Centre. We all need to support each other and continue to work constructively together to bring the town centre successfully through the current challenges.


Minute Decision – David Ball to be re-invited to the next area forum in February 2011 to do a more detailed presentation


Public Question time & open forum


The Chair Karen Hayes informed the forum and residents that all partners present have produced an update for the area forum and these where in the co-ordinators report.


Resident – raised concerns for the area especially around Charlott Road and the adjoining roads, there are major problems with Anti-social behaviour and drug dealers.


Sergeant Justin Diggins - informed the forum that there are operations in place and this area will be monitored.


Jim Thompson - informed the forum that it is important that we report all issues or concerns and this can be done confidential through Crimestoppers.


Resident – also raised concerns over private landlords who rent there houses out and take no responsibility for the occupiers.  The area is run down and it getting worse the area was once improved and it is now deteriorated.


Suggestion was made for the Anti-social behaviour team to look at this area and to also attend the next meeting of the area forum to report on finding, developments and a way forward for the area concerned.


The Chair Karen Hayes informed the forum & residents that the CCTV will be in operation in Rice Lane, looking onto Charlott Road/Lee Road.


Michelle Gray received the following information from Community Safety for the minutes: There is a camera which we put in Rice Lane near to Brompton Avenue late April of this year, and it was agreed with the then Councillor for the area, Leah Fraser, that it would remain there for about 6 months and then move to Charlotte Road. It's not far off that time now so we are on schedule.


Ian Lowrie will keep Members updated.


Stan Thompson highlighted that there are other areas suffering from anti-social behaviour especially in the Moreton area.


Resident - raised the issue around the CCTV unit in Liscard queried why it was turned to view traffic and not the precinct area/Liscard way.


Sergeant Justin Diggins – explained that this CCTV unit is controlled by Manor Road Police Station, it is not limited to monitor traffic flow, it is there for the precinct area & Liscard Way as well.


Residents – raised the issue on money that had been allocated to Central Park, asked for an update.


Response - The allocated Play Builder amount for Central Park is £50,000 for play area improvements. The development of the year 2 Playbuilder has been put on hold. The Play Builder grant has been de-ring fenced, and a final decision as to how much grant  Wirral will be allocated to complete the year 2 programme has yet to be announced by the government.


Father Leon – raised the issue about the Bandstand and the where about of this feature if it has been scraped then where is the money from this and could it be used for the park.


The “bandstand” that was originally removed from Birkenhead Bus Station is still located in Dock Road Depot but it is not known if the structure is complete or what condition it is in. Although the structure was intended to resemble a bandstand it is not a functioning bandstand with raised performance area. Roger Calvert from Parks and Countryside was not aware of any proposed future use of the structure.Principal Officer Parks & Countryside


Roger Calvert will look into this and report back to the next meeting.


Resident – raised the issue about the state of roads/pavements in Kenilworth Road, Seacombe.


Chris Jones informs area forum that a safety inspection will be carried out and all actionable defects will be picked up and instructions issued to repair. I will also put forward this road forward for possible inclusion in next years structural maintenance programme.


Father Leon/Carol Thomas – raised issue again re:  Belvidere Road.


Chris Jones Streetscene manager informed the forum that work is being carried out on this road and the 2nd phase is to be considered on the next programme of works.  If Safety is the issue here then this road will be looked at straight away.  Chris to inform the inspector for that area to visit the road.


Carol Thomas raised the issue about Liscard Way (by the old ABC/Wellington Pub) this area floods


Chris Jones to get inspector to look at this area.


Stan Thompson raised the issue re the traffic sign near Mariners Park it has been suggested for the sign to be moved and put on the other side of the road.


The Chair Karen Hayes and Cllr James Keeley are aware of this issue and have asked for Joey Smith to look into this and liaise with Karen/James and Stan Thompson.


The Chair Karen Hayes and Cllr James Keeley are aware of this issue and have asked for Joey Smith who is the lead officer for area forum projects to look into this and liaise with Karen/James and Stan Thompson.


Joey Smith informed Michelle Gray before this meeting that he has spoken to Councillor Keeley about sign and agreed to meet him on site to survey and discuss it further maybe with residents in that area.


Minute Decision – ASBT to be invited to the next area forum in February 2011, Jim Thompson to liaise with Ian Lowrie on the progress with CCTV for the Rice Lane area.


Jim Thompson informed the forum that the Bonfire Strategy is in place and anyone who wants to report issue can contact the Fire Service on 0800 731 5958.

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