Agenda item

Wirral's Future - be a part of it


Lead Officer, Peter Tomlin explained about Wirral’s Future ‘be part of it’ whereby the Council are asking public members to fill out a questionnaire for their input in what needs improving and what is most important in a bid for delivering Council services to make savings of £30 – 40 million over the next 3 years.  He also explained how Wirral Council will have a budget gap of £108 million over the next 4 years and action is required. 


Peter Tomlin explained that there will be restructure in the Council to reduce duplication and cost.  Better use of technology will be in force and cutting down on the number of Council Buildings and how much is spent on them.  All contracts are in the process of being renegotiated and customer service will be improved. 


This is the biggest Consultation that the Council have ever undertaken and advised the public that their help was needed to help decide on how their money should be invested in the future. 


Peter Tomlin explained that four task forces have been established for this made up of private, public, voluntary and community sector.  Each Task Force is considering what the Councils priorities should be.  He then proceeded to read over a few of the questions so public members could get an idea of what the questionnaire contained and mentioned that the sections included are:-


Ø  Living in Wirral

Ø  Children and Young Peoples Services

Ø  Adult Social Services

Ø  Economy and Regeneration


He advised that copies of the questionnaire are available from all Council buildings and can be accessed on the internet and also staff members have been out in various places such as Asda, Libraries, Leisure Centres and Schools handing out and advising public members of the process.


Q – Public Member – I attended a local partnership assembly as an elected member and this item was on the agenda.  I received a copy in the post and filled it in and took it to a one stop shop.  I felt that the opposition party had a problem with the questionnaire.  If people have concerns then it is clarity that they need!


Councillor Steve Foulkes – We all found out about this through a press release.  The Task Forces created the questions, we did not know who the Task Force were and how they were chosen.  The length and style of the questionnaire is why the response is low.  Up to now we have given out over 30,000 and had had 2,500 back to date.  It seems that all Council services hope that when the budget is set that people’s comments are considered.  Use the ‘other comments’ box wisely at the back of the questionnaire and say what you actually want to.  All comments that are made on the questionnaire are being collated.


Jim Thompson – The most important part of the whole survey is the comments box where you can enter free text. Also include suggestions and ideas.


Q – Public Member – Who is the Task Force?


Councillor Steve Foulkes – Those people that are on the task force, some of them I know.  Some of them may have an interest in that particular service that is mentioned in the questionnaire, if they do they should not have been allowed to be in the Task Force as they have an interest.  They should have stepped down.


Q – Public Member – Can I find list of those Task Force names on the website?


Councillor Steve Foulkes – All this information can be found on the website including minutes of their meetings etc. 


Q – Public Member – The scale of cuts is so high, whatever consultation is done would be criticised.


Councillor Ann McLachlan – The Task Force Members are not elected representatives like Councillors that the public elect!


Councillor Steve Foulkes – Task Force Members are people who do not have to declare an interest!


The Chair, Councillor Denise Roberts introduced Phil Cowderoy from Energy Projects Plus and apologises for not introducing him earlier.  Cllr Roberts then went on to say he would be available at the end for people to talk to.