Agenda item

Community Engagement

  • What’s been happening in your area


NHS Wirral – Dr Abhi Mantgani – Introduced Fiona Johnstone, Public Health. Welcomed everyone to the Medical Centre and thanks them for coming.  He went on to explain about the Practice Based Commission which consists of Consortiums who have worked together now for 4 years.  23 practices across Wirral are involved and they want to form a Patient Council whereby the patients will be able to vote and will be responsible for public money.  He urged the public to be more proactive as it would be for the benefit of the patients.  GP surgeries will get money and they are trying to meet with Councillors as they want to share their ideas with them to provide a better healthcare.


Q – Cllr George Davies – I have just come back from London and one thing we discussed was budgets held by GPs.  How do we narrow that gap between East and West.  Council and NHS need to come together and sit down and discuss how we can prolong life expectancy for those areas.


Councillor Harry Smith – There is an 11 year gap between East and West.


Dr Abhi Mantgani – we have targeted resources for example Cardiovascular disease is the worse and we are asking patients to come in for checks.  People are asking why do we need different Consortiums, why not just one? But our patients needs are different.  We are sensitive to people in the North End of Birkenhead.  The budget is not to benefit GPs and I fully agree that we need to sit down and talk.  Increasing lifetime expectancy is a long process. 


Q – Public Member – How many Consortiums will there be?


Dr Abhi Mantgani – technically it will not come into force until 2013 as the PCT are still there.  The estimation is that there will be 3 Consortiums. 


Q – Public Member – will it be North, South, West?


Dr Abhi Mantgani – I don’t think it will be split by Geography


Q – Public Member – how do we become part of the Patient Council?


Dr Abhi Mantgani – we are asking practices to nominate or give ideas at the Area Forums.


Q – Public Member – what is aimed at the younger generation?


Fiona Johnston – Public Health – I live on the Wirral so I am keen to serve the community that I am part of.  There is a lot of work to link with young people.  We are looking to invest in health services in Schools i.e smoking and sexual health – I serve this Borough.


Dr Abhi Mantgani – there are a lot of services being promoted for young people.


Q – Public Member – when will Woodchurch Road Surgery be complete?


Dr Abhi Mantgani – December time.  They will most probably shift Christmas week and open New Year.  It is an excellent practice and I would like to thank all the Councillors here who have been involved.


Merseyside Fire and Rescue - Dave Watson – A full update was given on pages 19 – 22.  ‘Watch what you Heat’ campaign was highlighted whereby the Fire Service visited over 22,000 homes delivering home fire safety checks as part of a comprehensive accidental dwelling fire strategy.  Also highlighted was the Bonfire Strategy 2010 which includes bonfire removal.  This initiative is to commence on Monday 18th October until approximately 1 week after bonfire night.  Went on to say that they will be working closely with Wirral Partnership Homes and hoping to run ‘waste stations’.  WPH will leaflet their properties advising when their waste removal vehicles will be in the area for any unwanted items. 


Q – Public Member – Lots of rubbish on Bidston Hill – are you removing that?


DaveWatson – can be reported and will be risk assessed and then would be dealt with either by us or the local authority. 


Councillor Harry Smith – thanked the Fire Service for the excellent PR job in Beechwood.


Q – Public Member – the Fire Service has a brilliant initiative working with WPH but is there any way of linking it to Wirral Homes as well to get them to use the initiative?


Wirral Partnership Homes Officer – I work for Wirral partnership Homes and I will take that back with me and report back to forum members.


Cllr Steve Foulkes – Informed the forum that about two years ago the crime/callout statistics for Bonfire nights they were the worst on Merseyside. A group involving Ridgeway High School, Merseyside Police, Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service, Local Residents, and Local Ward Councillors got together and organised a safe and supervised event, last year the statistics were the best.  It is being repeated this year with the School providing a community bonfire night event. Councillor Steve Foulkes  wanted to congratulate all those involved and hopes for a safe trouble free Bonfire night this year.


Merseyside Police – Inspector Roy McGregor – Went over extensive report contained in the forum papers and highlighted the fact that they will be making visits to local schools and writing to local retailers with regards to the sale of flour and eggs around Halloween.  Inspector Roy McGregor also explained what the ‘have your say’ cards were about and how important they are.  Members of the public can fill them out with regards to anything criminal that they witness but urges people to be specific i.e if you are reporting youths drinking then please state times and places.  ‘These cards are useful as this is how it came to our attention about the ‘flasher’ on Bidston Hill, who was arrested and charged.


Cllr Ann McLachlan – Thanked the Police for their help on the Ballantyne Estate which is a good example of how everyone comes together and works on improving areas it shows partnership working with organisations and residents.


Community Safety – Jim Thompson – a full update was given across pages 7-11 in the area forum papers.  Jim Thompson asked public members that there is a form for them to fill out with regards to what they consider to be their community safety priorities, he welcomed everyone to complete one.


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