Agenda item

Office Rationalisation


Further to minute 32 (24 August 2010), the Director of Law, HR and Asset Management presented his report on Office Rationalisation, which was to be considered by the Cabinet at its meeting on 23 September 2010. The Director referred to the changing context in which future accommodation requirements would be considered, which suggested a limited capacity for major investment in accommodation at the present time, limited priority for investment in administrative accommodation and uncertainty about the future size and shape of the organisation. He commented upon the requirement for further work to clarify which services should be centralised and which should be located in communities for reasons of efficient and effective service delivery. There was also a need for any proposals implemented at this time to offer flexibility to accommodate future change.


He reported also that after the EC Harris report had been considered by the Cabinet, Wirral Partnership Homes (WPH) had informed officers that they were presently evaluating a number of options to consolidate their administrative functions in one location and had sought to work with Council officers to evaluate the option of their buying Westminster House for this purpose. He commented that if that option was to be pursued, upgrading and enhancing both the North and South Annexes in Wallasey would be required to provide the capacity necessary to vacate Westminster House.


The Director outlined the issues that had arisen from the Cabinet’s preferred option and referred to the ICT provision that was required to support the administrative estate. He indicated that upgraded ICT provision would be essential to support new ways of working. In order to drive agile working, which in turn would realise ongoing savings in building running costs, staff needed to be able to communicate and work efficiently and effectively in a variety of locations and, where appropriate, to work away from a fixed workstation. Where agile working was a key element in intensifying the use of a building, the Director strongly recommended that, given the nature of the existing infrastructure, the ICT infrastructure should be renewed.


In the light of the changing context and issues that had arisen from the Cabinet’s preferred option, the Director indicated that in order to move forward with office rationalisation, the views of the Cabinet would be sought as to whether to intensify the use of Westminster House or to refurbish the North and South Annexes and dispose of Westminster House. He indicated that the options were dependent upon the evaluation being undertaken by WPH in relation to Westminster House and he commented that the evaluation exercise was expected to be completed by 5 October 2010. Nevertheless, he set out the estimated costs of each option and indicated that whichever option was chosen, the comprehensive refurbishment and enhancement of a retained building would create opportunities to improve the sustainability and environmental performance of the building and reduce CO2 emissions. Those opportunities would be addressed in the design of the scheme.


In response to a question from a Member in relation to the savings target of £1m per annum, set out in the EC Harris report, the Director indicated that it would not be achieved by 1 April 2011. However, the position in relation to savings would be clearer in November and he indicated that work undertaken during the current year would result in savings in 2012/2013.


Resolved – That the Cabinet be advised of the views of this Committee:


(a)  That there should be an early resolution in relation to the future of Westminster House.


(b)  That urgent progress should be made in relation to agile working, in order to reduce the occupancy of buildings and to establish ways of working in communities to the benefit of local residents.

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