Agenda item

Care Quality Commission (CQC) Report on Safeguarding and Adults with a Learning Disability


The Director of Adult Social Services presented his report which had been considered by the Cabinet on 2 September 2010 (minute 109 refers) in relation to the Care Quality Commission (CQC) Report, following its Service Inspection of Adult Social Care undertaken in May 2010. The focus of the review had been on safeguarding adults, making a positive contribution for adults with a learning disability and increased choice and control for adults with a learning disability.


He commented that the CQC report had criticised the Council’s performance. The report had concluded that the Council was performing poorly in safeguarding adults and in supporting adults with a learning disability to have increased choice and control. The report had also concluded that the Council was performing adequately in supporting adults with a learning disability to make a positive contribution. Lastly, the CQC had concluded that the Council’s capacity to improve was uncertain.


The Director outlined the key findings from the report and indicated that it contained a number of recommendations for the Council to improve. Those recommendations had been incorporated into a robust improvement plan that had been approved by the Cabinet and submitted to the CQC. The Director had been instructed to present a further report to the 14 October 2010 Cabinet, to include the timetable required to deliver the improvements set out in the second, revised improvement plan.


Members expressed their concern with regard to the findings of the CQC report and sought assurance that measures were now in place to ensure that the significant risks identified were being addressed. The Director stated that in response to the previous ‘Red Flag’ related to safeguarding adults, there had been a fundamental review of how performance data was collected. Data quality was now as good as it had ever been and this had been acknowledged by the CQC. However, he acknowledged that the improvements made were recent and the CQC wanted to see that the changes had bedded in. In response to a question from a Member, the Director commented that the Department had worked closely with Internal Audit with regard to the key components of the improvement plan.


The Director indicated that the improved governance arrangements put in place would supplement the usual management arrangements and would ensure that progress was tightly monitored to ensure improvement in all areas within the timescales set out in the plan. He stated that there was a need to prioritise work within DASS to ensure compliance with the Improvement Plan. The Director also referred to engaging with partners to help support delivery of the Improvement Plan.


The Chair asked whether work was being undertaken to change things culturally within DASS. The Director confirmed that this was the case, particularly in relation to improving skills and competencies and ensuring that mechanisms were in place to provide support to managers and frontline staff working with vulnerable adults and adults with learning difficulties. The Director expressed his appreciation of the support DASS had received from Corporate HR in this work.


Resolved –


(1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That the Cabinet be advised to receive a report to each meeting in relation to progress to date against the actions contained within the improvement plan.


(3)  That an update report be presented to the January 2011 meeting of the Committee.

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