Agenda item

Public Question Time


4.1  Q.  As a resident of Warwick Road, there is an increasing problem of parents parking on double yellow lines outside the school.  A police officer should have booked the cars parked on the yellow lines, but did not.  This problem is getting reported at least four times a week and it is not getting sorted.  The road is narrow and if the problem is not addressed it will cause an accident.

  A.  The police cannot give out tickets for parking on double yellow lines, but they can issue a penalty notice for causing an unnecessary obstruction.  This problem will be passed onto the Council Enforcement Officers.  Letters have also been sent out to parents at the school of the problem they are causing.


4.2  Q.  Mark Stevenson asked why there was no representation on the Forum for Woodchurch estate.  The board is not up to scratch on Diversity and Equality and who do we address with issues relating to Woodchurch?

  A.  The Community Representatives are designated on a ward basis – 2 Community Reps per ward.  As Woodchurch is in the Upton ward, the Upton Representatives cover the Woodchurch area.  Any issues relating to Woodchurch can be forwarded to Jean Robinson and Bert Grunnill who are more than happy to feed issues into the forum.


4.3  Q.  The United States have a good system when dropping children off at school.  They have a one-way system for cars, so not causing the problem of cars parking everywhere. Could this be done at Warwick Road School?

  A.  Andy Brannan to look at this system and report back.


4.4  Q.  It states in the local paper that the Council is getting rid of 50% of the workforce.  So this will have an impact on Council Services, so are the residents getting a 50% reduction in the Council Tax?

  A.  Letters have gone out to 6,000 white collar staff in the Council, offering them the opportunity to take Early Voluntary Retirement or a Severance payment or for staff to reduce their working week.  The 50% figure stated is incorrect.  Service Continuity will be maintained, the idea of the saving is through natural wastage and not all applications will be accepted.


4.5  Q.  Some of the roads in Woodchurch, particularly Hoole Road have worn out double yellow lines.  Could they be re-painted?

  A.  Yes, this will be arranged.


4.6  Q.  Parking on Saughall Massie Lane, by the school is causing a problem for people getting out of their drive way.

  A.  The police can only issue a penalty if the car is causing an obstruction. Parking outside your own house is not a given right – anyone can park.


4.7  Q.  The impression this Forum gives is that Woodchurch is difficult to deal with.  The Neighbourhood Management Team is finished and now there is no representative for Woodchurch.  We want our own representative for Woodchurch to deal with the issues ourselves and feel that the equality on the board is not right.

  A.  Andy Brannan explained that every Forum is set up the same.  There are 2 representatives covering ward areas.  The representation for this period is up in January 2011.  Anyone can apply for the 3 year tenure for the Forums Representation.


4.8  Q.  The lines of communication through the Neighbourhood Management Team have now finished, and we want to be able to represent ourselves.

  A.  The issues are understood and we will talk to officers about the composition of the group.  Again, representation can be applied for in January 2011.  The present 2 representatives are willing to take up any issues anyone has regarding Woodchurch.


4.9  Q.  Where does Tom Anderson hold his surgeries?

  A.  Andy Brannan will find out and report back.  Tony Smith and Peter Reisdorf hold their surgeries at Meadowside. The details of the councillor’s surgeries can be found on the council website.



Q.  The fire at the Pavilion in Coronation Park was caused by an electrical fault.  Mr R Green (Community representative) regularly clears up bottles and beer cans around the Pavilion.  Would it be possible to make this area and Alcohol Free Area?

Would it be possible to put signs up?


Q.  Warwick Park is an alcohol free area and the youths still drink there.  They need to be encouraged to use the bins.

A.  Brian Griffiths: There is a maximum fine of £500 – These are rarely enforced.  Agreed that the signs don’t often work.  Police Officers will speak to the youths and will take the alcohol off the young people. 


There is a picture on the newsletter of the amount of alcohol taken off people.Shops are much better now at not selling alcohol to children.


  • John Smith: There are some Greasby Messenger Booklets available for people to take away. Negotiations are taking place over the Greasby Community Centre 


  • Jean Robinson thanked people for their donations to the Woodland Fund – It is ready for completion next Thursday (21.10.10) The asset transfer of Overton Community Centre will be completed by March/April 2011.




DATE OF NEXT MEETING 17th February 2010.  Venue:Greasby, Frankby Irby ward. Venue to be agreed.